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Member Since 16 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2015 03:23 PM

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In Topic: Client Issues. Wondering if I need a different client

18 October 2015 - 04:10 AM

Okay, I have fixed the issue. Though I don't believe the website linked above, as it even shows port 80 as being closed.

I found my answer on the Herc wiki. The problem is, I followed a forums guide on creating a server for local play, so it did not include putting my WAN IP into map-server.conf and char-server.conf. With my WAN IP in there people can connect no problem!

In Topic: Client Issues. Wondering if I need a different client

17 October 2015 - 08:18 PM

Thank you for your suggestion officialronode. I've made a few changes. Turns out I messed up port forwarding, so I fixed that up. NOW it seems that they are able to connect to the Login server, as they connect, and their account is created. However, after account creation, I get the message "Closed connection from x.x.x.x" in loginserver.exe. To me this seems that they are able to access the Login server, but not make it past that.


The website you linked however, shows these ports as CLOSED. So this could also certainly be causing the issue.. Though I'm not sure why it would allow them into the login server if the port is closed. I will see if I can open them. I have made rules in my local firewall to allow to/from IP traffic from any IP. I'll report back if I can open the ports and if anything changes. Thank you!