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Member Since 09 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2014 04:27 AM

#22439 Can anyone make a script like this

Posted by Zephy on 09 December 2013 - 10:28 PM

Do you want it to be a physical NPC (a player can click on it) or do you want it to be automatic (when a player kills a multiple of 5 MVPs on a certain map, automatically gain the items)?


Here is a script that will do the latter :x...


/*=========================================================Untitledby Zephy===========================================================Description:No description available.===========================================================Compatibility:Optimised for Hercules emulators.===========================================================Changelog:1.0 - Initial release.===========================================================Additional Notes:	- If you want the kills to be reset when 	  the player dies, uncomment line 44 and 52.	 	- Currently the kill counter variable (@mvpkill)	  is a temporary variable, meaning that if the	  player logs out, their score will reset. If	  you want them to keep the score even when they	  log out, remove the '@' in @mvpkill.=========================================================*/-	script	MvP Counter	-1,{OnNPCKillEvent:	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map$); .@i++)	{		if (getmonsterinfo(killedrid, MOB_MVPEXP) && strcharinfo(3) == .map$[.@i]) // Checks if user has killed an MvP on a specified map		{			@mvpkill++; //Increments variable to count MvP kills		}				if (@mvpkill % 5 == 0) // Checks if @mvpkill if a multiple of 5		{			@amount++; // Increment variable for prize amount (increment by 1 per 5 kills)			getitem .prize, @amount; // Gives player the prize		}	}end;/*OnPcDieEvent:	if (@mvpkill)	{		@mvpkill = 0;			}end;*///ConfigurationOnInit:	.prize = 0; // Prize ID	setarray .map$[0], "bossnia_01", "bossnia_02"; // Maps that you want this script active on	end;}

#14282 How to disable cool down on Inspiration skill

Posted by Zephy on 26 August 2013 - 03:48 PM

I think you changed the duration of the skill, not the cool down. Make sure you're following the correct structure of the database.


// Structure of Database:
// SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time


//-- LG_INSPIRATION2325,2000,2000,0,30000:45000:60000:75000:90000,0,0,1000


See if that works.