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Member Since 04 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2017 03:02 PM

Topics I've Started

Question about team

27 June 2016 - 09:54 AM

Hi there,


I 've a question, is this possible to create a new team system ?

I explain myself, I want to keep the basic system fo 12 players max for WoE but I want to have an other system like this but for 15 players for example. The team with 15 players max will be able to do Xp Team, Dungeon and Instance.

Is this possible or not ? I think it's possible but i need to touch the configuration and not just a script, right ?


Cheers mate !

Problem with script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!

09 February 2016 - 05:56 PM

Hi everyone,

Sorry to ask some help but I haven't solution here... I try many possibilities but i can't find the mistake in this script... So if you can help me, I'll appreciat that !


On map-server.bat :

[Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!
[Debug]: Function: mes (1 parameter):
[Debug]: Data: string value="[Healer]"
[Debug]: Source (NPC): Healer#uni (invisible/not on a map)

What I want it's on normal days i have de callsub S_Healer and on WoE days, the callsub S_HealerWoE. But i try with OnAgitStart/End but I still have this problem. I read that is a problem with a RID but i don't very understand what it is. I search on the internet and on script_commands.txt but i don't understand everything.
So if you fix this problem, please explain to me where it comes from and what is exactly RID.

Best !


Question about episode

04 December 2015 - 08:55 PM

Hi everybody,


I want to make a server with a friend and we want to stop at the episode 11.1 with Rachel City. Can we do this with Hercules ? If yes, how can we do that ? 


Thank you by advance ;)





We think we need to take a Client and put a Ragexe or Sakexe in our case.  We have right or not ? We continu to search on the forum to have more information ;).

I don't know if it's on the good section, if it's not, sorry about my mistack :(