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Member Since 12 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2016 05:31 AM

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In Topic: Fishing Script

13 December 2015 - 09:08 PM



My bad, here's the full script of this NPC's section.



///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                         FISHING GURU                                ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////prontera,156,150,4	script	Fishing Guru	560,{	goto FishGuru;                       	 FishGuru:		mes $@NPC_Fishing$;		 mes "Im the known ^ff007fFishing-Guru^000000.";		 //cutin $FishingGuru$,3;		next;		 goto Selection;		 close;	 Selection:		 mes $@NPC_Fishing$;		mes "What do you want from me?";		//cutin $@FishingGuru1$,3;		next;		// =============================================================== DONT CHANGE ANYTHING HERE.		if($@Toggle == 0 || $@Toggle == 1 || $@Toggle == 2 ) { menu "^007744[ Fishing Rank ]^000000",FishingRank,"^3333ff[ Fish Box Level ]^000000",FishingBox; }			if($@Toggle == 3 || $@Toggle == 4) { if(CanFishNow == 1) menu "^007744[ Fishing Rank ]^000000",FishingRank,"^3333ff[ Fish Box Level ]^000000",FishingBox; }		if($@Toggle == 3 || $@Toggle == 4) { if(CanFishNow == 0) menu "^00007f[ How to fish? ]^000000",FishInformation; }		// =============================================================== DONT CHANGE ANYTHING HERE.			close;			FishInformation:			 next; callfunc "FishingManualQuest"; close;		 FishingRank:			 next; goto FishRank; close;		 FishingBox:			 next; goto FBLevel; close;			 FishRank:			 mes $@NPC_Fishing$ ;			 mes "[ ^ff5500Fishing Rank^000000 ]";			 mes "Level: [ ^ffaa00" + FishingLevel + "^000000 ]";			mes "Title: [ ^ff0000" + $@FishingLevelName$[ FishingLevel ] + "^000000 ]";			mes "Experience: [ ^ff007f" + FishingNowExp + "^000000 / ^55007f" + $@FishingExpMax[ FishingLevel ] + "^000000 ]";			 //cutin $@FishingRank$,3;			 next;			 menu "^00ff00[ Main Menu ]^000000",Selection;			 close;		FBLevel: 			 mes $@NPC_Fishing$ ;			mes "[ ^005500Fishing-Box Information^000000 ]";			 mes "Level: [ ^ff0000"+FishingBoxLevel+"^000000 ] ";			 mes "Item Requirement to Level: ";			mes "[ ^ff557f" + getitemname($@FishingBoxItemCountNeed) + "^000000 ] [ ^55007f" + $@FishingBoxItemCount[ FishingBoxLevel ] + "^000000 ]" ;			 //cutin $@FishingLevel$,3;			next ;			if ( FishingBoxLevel >= 10 ) { mes $@NPC_Fishing$; mes "Your Fishing Box cannot increase another Level."; next;				menu "^aa55ff[ Return ]^000000",FBLevel,"^00ff00[ Main Menu ]^000000",Selection; close; }			else				 menu "[ ^ff0000Level your Fishing Box^000000 ]",LevelBox,"[ ^55ff7fMain Menu^000000 ]",Selection;				// =============================================================== DONT CHANGE ANYTHING HERE.				LevelBox:					if (countitem($@FishingBoxItemCountNeed) >= $@FishingBoxItemCount[$@FishingBoxLevel]) {						delitem $@FishingBoxItemCountNeed,$@FishingBoxItemCount[FishingBoxLevel] ;						set FishingBoxLevel,FishingBoxLevel+1;				 // =============================================================== DONT CHANGE ANYTHING HERE.									dispbottom "Your fishing box level is now: "+FishingBoxLevel+"";						 specialeffect2 248 ; next;						 menu "^aa55ff[ Return ]^000000",FBLevel,"^00ff00[ Main Menu ]^000000",Selection;  close;					 }				 else					 dispbottom "You do not have the requirements." ;  next;					 menu "^aa55ff[ Return ]^000000",FBLevel,"^00ff00[ Main Menu ]^000000",Selection; close;		FishingInformation:			 mes $@NPC_Fishing$ ;			 mes "So you wanted to know how to fish eh..";			//cutin $FishingInformation$,3;			 next;			mes $@NPC_Fishing$ ;			mes "For you to be able to fish, first you must get ^ff0000The Fishing Manual^000000 and ^00aa00Main Fishing Equipments^000000";			//cutin $FishingInformation$,3;			 next;			mes $@NPC_Fishing$ ;			mes "Ofcourse I wont give it to you for free without achieving some certain condition";			//cutin $FishingInformation$,3;			next;			mes $@NPC_Fishing$ ;			mes "You really want to get the items eh?..";			//cutin $FishingInformation$,3;			 menu "^00ff00[ Proceed ]^000000",Quest,"[ Not yet ready! ]",NYetR;				NYetR:					mes $@NPC_Fishing$ ;					mes "Ok see you nextime arround! Get back when you are ready!";					//cutin $FishingInformation$,3;					 close;				Quest:					callfunc "NPC_QUEST";					close;	return; }