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Member Since 27 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2016 01:33 AM

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hercules client errors :(

30 December 2015 - 05:37 PM

(I used 2014-02-05 client)

I just started learning how to make a server lately and I've gotten some problems

I have done all the steps and compiled hercules with PACKETVER 20140205

I used guide from here http://herc.ws/board...t-for-hercules/ and here http://herc.ws/board...setup-hercules/

1) When I tried using client provided here http://herc.ws/board...e-full-client/, I was able to log in successfully, with some problems:



When about to start client: pic #1 (Untitled.png)


when about to use skills: pic#2 (Untitled2.png)

some skills are exceptions though: pic#3


even some classes (some 3rd + Adv) cause endless error too (had to end process to close)


I guess the reason is that the original datas are old (2012 ?) and therefore lots of files are missing

Anyway, I'm happy that I could start the client and successfully log in.


2) However, after copying the 2014-02-05bRagexe_patched to kRO folder obtained from https://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro, it didn't work. I thought because clientinfo.xml was missing. So I downloaded files from here http://herc.ws/board...lation-project/ and copied them to RO folder . Yet it didn't work. No errors were prompted in the login char window





The server couldn't even recognize the client was there.


Why is that? It worked on the old client just fine but not the lastest kRO from  nickyzai.com


 And I did config the DATA.INI for 1) and 2). The only difference between the 2 is that the 1) has YourRO.grf but the 2) does not.


I'd be appreciated if anyone can help  :(


(mmo.h in pic#5)

Client patcher

27 December 2015 - 06:22 AM

Currently , I'm having trouble with the patcher. It doesn't work. If possible, may I ask for a guide to make the patcher work flawlessly?