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I'm 100% certain those VPS' can handle 200 players without any trouble.
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In Topic: [Hosting Sever] Recommendation?...
02 November 2016 - 02:35 AM
In Topic: [Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)
11 October 2016 - 04:05 PM
This should be sticky, and add to the topic title: "Debian/Ubuntu"
In Topic: [Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)
06 October 2016 - 03:18 PM
Imo, people who doesn't know basic, or at least, cannot even do basic search, should not open a server. But right, next guide will have a section "to go further" explaining security and other
I could not agree more. But your guide makes it possible to host server without almost any knowledge at all. At that point, "should" and "should not" -things don't really matter.
If you need help with next guide, i'm up. I was actually thinking to make a Debian guide myself, with exception of using two servers, one for emulator and one for web-server. But i never seem to have time to do it.
In Topic: [Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)
06 October 2016 - 01:51 PM
Great guide!
But do you think that new-to-linux-world should be installing insecure server like this?
Meaning, anyone who needs this guide is probably unaware of security things. I know that it's not really part of the guide, but it really should be mentioned for the sake of all the new servers who are insecure :S
At least give a link to things to do first for a brand new Debian server before starting to follow the guide.
Anyway, great guide!
In Topic: HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!
30 July 2016 - 04:41 AM
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