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Member Since 30 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active May 16 2017 12:21 PM

Topics I've Started

New dll shield packet

11 October 2016 - 07:09 PM

I need help to finish my DLL Shield.
My packet 0x64 content: (my dll working)
My part of DLL source:

unsigned int command = (*(unsigned short*)buf);

if( (command == 0x64) ) { //if login packet, send mac to host serv
			char mac_address[18] = "";
			GetMACaddress((char *)mac_address); //GET MAC 
			memcpy((char*)buf+*len, mac_address, sizeof(mac_address)); //ATTACH MAC IN TO CURRENT PACKET 0X64
			*len += 17;
} ...

correctly sends new packet value
How do I get data added to the packet leng in the emulator?
I tried so;

char mac = RFIFOL(fd,12);

But always returns zero...
But I need some tips to properly handle this new value! I want to add MAC, HWID, Shield Version. I'm testing
first only with the MAC!
Help-me pls, I intend to share the DLL Shield for community!

Help-me Warning

12 March 2016 - 06:43 PM

My game appears this message whenever I login!
After the "OK" button can login.
How can I remove this warning?


[Scripting] Packets Manipulation

23 February 2016 - 11:30 PM

void clif_parse_join_HUNT(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) 
	const unsigned int blocksize = 6;
	unsigned int count, packet_orga,packet_orgas,packet_orgass,packet_type;
	struct s_packet_db* info = &packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RFIFOW(fd,0)];

	packet_type = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[0]);
	packet_id = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[1]);

	if (packet_orga == 26964){ 
		ShowWarning("Packet Received! :D \n");


I'm making a system that when you get a packet, the hexed, it will call an NPC!


Currently the script does the following;
1 - Click the button on my hexed interface
2 - A packet is sent
3 - I get the packet and display a message "Packet Received: D"
I must now call a script from an NPC in the game.
Can anyone help me with something?
void clif_parse_join_HUNT(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) 
	const unsigned int blocksize = 6;
	unsigned int count, packet_orga,packet_orgas,packet_orgass,packet_type;
	struct s_packet_db* info = &packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RFIFOW(fd,0)];

	packet_type = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[0]);
	packet_id = RFIFOW(fd,info->pos[1]);

	if (packet_orga == 26964){ //
		//CALL NPC event_A WHERE 



Script to call

-	script	event_A	-1,{

mes "Working!";





Sorry my bad english...

Solved, close topic. :)

R> Dimensional Travel

16 February 2016 - 11:57 AM

Please, send PM or link for me


Dimensional Travel Npcs Quest


Paid or No? 

[GRF] Not read one BMP

02 February 2016 - 01:24 PM

my hexed not read this BMP


help-me plssss



