removi o npc e modifiquei as cores e estilos por comandos e ao relogar continuou o "erro" e as cores retornaram para a inicial.
- Viewing Profile: Posts: elinhopp
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In Topic: Cores de cabelo zeram ao relogarar
13 May 2017 - 08:57 PM
In Topic: Problema ao compilar
10 April 2017 - 01:46 PM
Eu uso a VirtuaTI para compilar, eles disseram que o problema é que o atual esta incompativel com o compilador deles, ai mudei pra SSH, porém segui esses passos...
Vamos ao que interessa. Após logar-se no SSH Secure Shell você terá de digitar os seguintes comandos:
cd /home/nomedapastadoseuemulador
Após iremos dar as permissões na configuração do emulador:
chmod 777 configure
Agora iremos ativar a configuração:
Agora iremos limpar o cache e compilações antigas, para evitar problemas:
make clean
Agora finalmente iremos compilar o emulador:
make sql
mas agora aparece esses erros ao usar o comando
./athena-start start
-bash: ./athena-start: Permission denied
In Topic: Compiling problem hercules emulator
23 March 2017 - 04:25 PM
Last herc and VirtuaTI are incompatible!!! :-(
In Topic: Compiling problem hercules emulator
19 March 2017 - 01:30 PM
I installed another server with the same system and it works, I'm getting a problem that is not "root" but in the emulator, if this is not solved, I'll have to change to that one.
If it is really this is the problem, I would like somebody help me to fix it, I do not want to change emulator.
If it is really this is the problem, I would like somebody help me to fix it, I do not want to change emulator
[Fatal Error]: You are running Hercules with root privileges, it is not necessary, nor recommended. Aborting.
This error says you using root privileges
How do I do that? I find nothing explaining how I should do it.
In Topic: Compiling problem hercules emulator
18 March 2017 - 11:08 AM
And what do I need to do? How do I correct it?
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