- Viewing Profile: Topics: uzami
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Topics I've Started
Character Creation Screen
25 April 2016 - 04:56 AM
Event starts when change job
23 April 2016 - 11:24 PM
I'm trying to make a event who trigers when a character changes his JobClass
like this:
but, it's not working hahaha
any help? =)
Hairstyle Item
22 April 2016 - 07:09 PM
Hi, i'm trying to create an item how change the HairStyle when we use it.
I think about the "callfunc" but, I don't know for sure what function use...
Any help?
MOB Reward
22 April 2016 - 04:12 PM
Hello, i'm making some achivments for my server and ther is one that already workings, the script gives a player one item when they get Job Level 10 by mail, and display a message and etc. Anyway, a friend makes it for my. But, I want make one that everytime a Player kills 1000 Porings, he will recive one mail (on the game) with an item, zenys and display a message and show a cuttin on the botton, just like this:
07 March 2016 - 03:46 PM
Hello guys
I was serching some mobs and etc
and i found this:
my question is: the mobs 3318 to 3338 are all in my DB with // in front. but they don't work obviously...
i got that error (attach files)
Any help?
Thx haha
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