i need some help with job master script remove ex super novice and some of the third class job third class job. Soul Linker, Star Gladiator
mes "[Dead Job Changer]"; if (Class > Job_Soul_Linker) { mes "No more jobs are available."; close; } if (checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkmount() || hascashmount()) { mes "Please remove your "+((checkfalcon())?"falcon":"")+((checkcart())?"cart":"")+((checkmount() || hascashmount())?"mount":"") +" before proceeding."; close; } if (.skill_point_check && SkillPoint > 0) { mes "Please use all your skill points before proceeding."; close; } .@eac = eaclass(); .@base = .third_classes ? roclass(.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) : Class; if (.@base >= Job_Knight && .@base <= Job_Crusader2) { if (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel || JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel) { .@blvl = .rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel; .@jlvl = .rebirth_jlevel - JobLevel; mes "You need " + (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel ? ((.rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel) +" more base levels "+ (JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel ? "and " : "")) : "") + (JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel ? (.rebirth_jlevel - JobLevel) +" more job levels " : "") + "to continue."; close; } if (Class > Job_Crusader2) { mes "Switch to third class?"; next; Job_Menu(roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD)); close; } while (true) { mes "Select an option."; next; .@[member="choice"] = select(" ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000:"+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); if (.@[member="choice"] == 3) close; mes "[Job Master]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; if (.@[member="choice"] == 1) Job_Menu(Job_Novice_High); mes "[Job Master]"; } } .@job1 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1); .@job2 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2); if ((.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) { .@newclass = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD); .@required_jlevel = 99; .@newclass = .@job1; .@required_jlevel = 70; } if (.@newclass && .third_classes) { if (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel || JobLevel < .@required_jlevel) { mes "You need " + (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel ? ((.rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel) +" more base levels "+ (JobLevel < .@required_jlevel ? "and " : "")) : "") + (JobLevel < .@required_jlevel ? (.@required_jlevel - JobLevel) +" more job levels " : "") + "to continue."; close; } mes "Switch to "+jobname(.@newclass)+"?"; next; Job_Menu(.@newclass); close; } if (.@eac&EAJL_2) if (.@eac&(EAJL_UPPER|EAJL_BABY) || roclass(.@eac|EAJL_UPPER) == -1) { mes "No more jobs are available."; close; } if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_NOVICE) { if (JobLevel < .jobchange_first) { mes "A job level of "+.jobchange_first+" is required to change into the 1st Class."; } else if (Class == Job_Novice_High && .linear_jobchange && lastJob) { mes "Switch classes now?"; next; Job_Menu(roclass((eaclass(lastJob)&EAJ_BASEMASK)|EAJL_UPPER)); } else if (Class == Job_Novice) { Job_Menu(Job_Archer, Job_Acolyte, Job_Merchant, Job_Thief); } else if (Class == Job_Novice_High) { Job_Menu(Job_Swordman_High, Job_Mage_High, Job_Archer_High, Job_Acolyte_High, Job_Merchant_High, Job_Thief_High); } else { mes "An error has occurred."; } close; } if (roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1) == -1 || roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2) == -1) { mes "No more jobs are available."; } else if (!(.@eac&EAJL_2) && JobLevel < .jobchange_second) { mes "A job level of "+.jobchange_second+" is required to change into the 2nd Class."; } else if (.linear_jobchange && lastJob && (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER)) { mes "Switch classes now?"; next; Job_Menu(lastJob+Job_Novice_High); } else { Job_Menu(.@job1, .@job2); } close; function Job_Menu { while (true) { if (getargcount() > 1) { mes "Select a job."; .@menu$ = ""; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getargcount(); ++.@i) .@menu$ += " ~ "+jobname(getarg(.@i))+":"; .@menu$ += " ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"; next; .@newjob = getarg(select(.@menu$)-1, 0); if (!.@newjob) close; if ((.@newjob == Job_SuperNovice || .@newjob == Job_Super_Baby) && BaseLevel < .supernovice_level) { mes "[Dead Job Changer]"; mes "A base level of "+.supernovice_level+" is required to turn into a "+jobname(.@newjob)+"."; close; } mes "[Dead Job Changer]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; } else { .@newjob = getarg(0); } if (select(" ~ Change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@newjob)+"^000000 class: ~ ^777777"+(getargcount() > 1 ? "Go back" : "Cancel")+"^000000") == 1) { mes "[Dead Job Changer]"; mes "You are now "+A_An(jobname(.@newjob))+"!"; if (.@newjob == Job_Novice_High && .linear_jobchange) lastJob = Class; // Note: This is incompatible with the Valkyrie rebirth script. jobchange .@newjob; if (.@newjob == Job_Novice_High) resetlvl(1); if (.@newjob == Job_Baby) { resetlvl(4); SkillPoint = 0; } specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2; specialeffect2 EF_ELECTRIC; if (.platinum) callsub Get_Platinum; close; } if (getargcount() == 1) return; mes "[Dead Job Changer]"; } end; } function A_An { setarray .@vowels$, "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"; .@firstletter$ = strtolower(charat(getarg(0), 0)); for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@vowels); ++.@i) { if (.@vowels$[.@i] == .@firstletter$) return "an "+getarg(0); } return "a "+getarg(0); }