Hello, i want npc which sells +7 refined equipment like +7 wool scarf and tidal shoes for defined currency like Gold Coin.
It is possible to add new item in item_db which is already +7?
caspe hasn't added any friends yet.
04 June 2017 - 12:45 PM
Hello, i want npc which sells +7 refined equipment like +7 wool scarf and tidal shoes for defined currency like Gold Coin.
It is possible to add new item in item_db which is already +7?
26 May 2017 - 05:56 PM
Can someone please fix this NEMO patch (using 2014-02-05 client) or any kind of code which will allow to display fake guild emblem on top of Player in BG maps.
This patch has alignment problem like this image other than that it working fine, i would be great if this patch turned for regular Nemo version.
22 June 2016 - 02:43 PM
I need any kind of script or modification to make Lk and Sniper able to survive in pvp room, any kind of help would be great.
There should be chances when dispel LK and sniper like 30% using lvl 5 dispel (like full strip chances).
Thank You.....