Any premade?
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In Topic: Hyvraine Designs
13 June 2016 - 05:05 PM
In Topic: Bug on Freebies /w Options
27 April 2016 - 04:59 PM
You might have forgot close;
Anyways, we can't point out the exact mistake without the full script
Here is the full
In Topic: Dynamic Shop with Selection
27 April 2016 - 04:04 PM
You have to close your script. Forgot your curly at the end of these.
Also you have do OnCountFunds: and OnPayFunds: for each shop. Each shop is a new script (enclosed by { }).
So you have to do this five times, changing few things around in each.
That part has to be apart of below. Goes inside that script, after OnInit: section.
- script HeadgearPods FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: tradertype(NST_CUSTOM); sellitem 501,1,1; // Sells 1 Red Potion for 1 Currency (Pods) end; }
Doesn't Work. It doesn't trigger the Shops
In Topic: Item Script
27 April 2016 - 03:35 AM
I really changed the ID #
Anyways thank you guys! :3
In Topic: Dynamic Shop with Selection
26 April 2016 - 11:20 AM
I'll give this a go. Quick scratch together, hope it helps.
prontera,150,150,3 script Pods Exchanger 4_F_NPC,{ .@name$ = Pods Exchanger; mes .@name$; mes "I can exchange pods for stuff."; next; .@menu = select("Headgear:Armor:Shield:Shoes:Weapons"); switch(.@menu) { case 1: mes .@name$; mes "Headgears cost pods and something something"; openshop("HeadgearPods"); close; break; // do the same for case 1 to below case 2: openshop("ArmorPods"); close; break; case 3: openshop("ShieldPods"); close; break; case 4: openshop("ShoesPods"); close; break; case 5: openshop("WeaponsPods"); close; break; } } // Enter your headgears here // Repeat script for ArmorPods, ShoesPods, etc. - script HeadgearPods FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: tradertype(NST_CUSTOM); sellitem 501,1,1; // Sells 1 Red Potion for 1 Currency (Pods) end; // Sets Pods as the store currency OnCountFunds: setcurrency(countitem(PODS ID HERE)); end; // I don't know about this I just copied it from the trader sample. // The 's'/'have'/'has' is about getting the correct grammar/plural OnPayFunds: dispbottom ""+price+" Pod" + (@price == 1?"":"s") + " " + (@price == 1?"has":"have") + " been deducted from your inventory."; // put @ before '+price+' so it is '+@price+' if( countitem(pods) < @points || countitem(PODS ID HERE) < price-points) // put @ before each one, forum is censoring them end; delitem PODS ID HERE,@points; delitem PODS ID HERE,@price-@points; purchaseok(); end; }
Bug upon clicking cancel the button when buying and after talking to npc.
Here is the script that i have added
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