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Member Since 09 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active Aug 14 2016 09:48 PM

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In Topic: [GUIDE] Add Custom Quest (In Any Tab)

25 March 2016 - 11:45 PM

DastgirQuest_List = {
	[1019] = {
		NPCFromName = [[Dastgir]],
		NPCFromMap = [[new_1-1]],
		NPCFromSpr = [[4_M_01]],
		NPCFromX = 63,
		NPCFromY = 53,
		NPCToName = [[Dastgir]],
		NPCToMap = [[prontera]],
		NPCToSpr = [[4_M_01]],
		NPCToX = 86,
		NPCToY = 84,
		Item = [[< image = "929">Immortal Heart<\end> (5)]],
		PrizeItem = [[]],
		Title = [[Event QuestInfo :P]],
		Info = [[Testing the Event.]],
		QuickInfo = [[QuickInfo.]],
		Hunt1 = [[]],
		Hunt2 = [[]],
		Hunt3 = [[]],
		Time = [[0]],
		LV = [[0]],
	[1017] = {
		NPCFromName = [[Dastgir-1]],
		NPCFromMap = [[prontera]],
		NPCFromSpr = [[4_BRICKPILE]],
		NPCFromX = 84,
		NPCFromY = 123,
		NPCToName = [[Dastgir-2]],
		NPCToMap = [[payon]],
		NPCToSpr = [[4_BOARD3]],
		NPCToX = 76,
		NPCToY = 114,
		Item = [[]],
		PrizeItem = [[]],
		Title = [[Event QuestInfo :P]],
		Info = [[Testing the Event.]],
		QuickInfo = [[QuickInfo.]],
		Hunt1 = [[ < link = "LITTLE_FATUM">Little Fatum<\end> x 6 ]],
		Hunt2 = [[]],
		Hunt3 = [[]],
		Time = [[0]],
		LV = [[0]],



still crashes...
if thi is empty all ok Hunt1 = [[ ]] or Item = [[]],
And why only 2015-10-29aRagexeRE.exe shows the quests?
all other exe are empty like here... 
no quests at all





and what is this code for? maybe this causes the problem with crash?


QuestTable.func_quest_lower_exchange_imagetag = 
function( msg )

	local imagetag_front_startpos, imagetag_front_endpos = string.find( msg, [[<%s*image%s*=%s*"%d*"%s*>]] );
	if( nil == imagetag_front_startpos or nil == imagetag_front_endpos ) then return msg; end
	local imagetag_front = string.sub( msg, imagetag_front_startpos, imagetag_front_endpos );

	local imagetag_rear_startpos, imagetag_rear_endpos = string.find( msg, [[<%s*\end%s*>]], imagetag_front_endpos + 1  );
	if( nil == imagetag_rear_startpos or nil == imagetag_rear_endpos ) then return msg; end
	local imagetag_rear = string.sub( msg, imagetag_rear_startpos, imagetag_rear_endpos );

	local name = string.sub( msg, imagetag_front_endpos + 1, imagetag_rear_startpos - 1 );

	local num_startpos, num_endpos = string.find( imagetag_front, [["%d*"]] );
	if( nil == num_startpos or nil == num_endpos ) then return msg; end
	local itidstr = string.sub( imagetag_front, num_startpos + 1, num_endpos - 1 );

	local tagstr = string.format( [[<ITEM>%s<INFO>%s</INFO></ITEM>]], name, itidstr );
	local final = "";
	if( imagetag_front_startpos > 1 ) then final = final .. string.sub( msg, 1, imagetag_front_startpos - 1 ); end
	final = final .. tagstr;
	if( imagetag_rear_endpos < #msg ) then final = final .. string.sub( msg, imagetag_rear_endpos + 1 ); end

	return QuestTable.func_quest_lower_exchange_imagetag( final );	


QuestTable.func_quest_lower_exchange_linktag = 
function ( msg )

	local linktag_front_startpos, linktag_front_endpos = string.find( msg, [[<%s*link%s*=%s*".*">]] );
	if( nil == linktag_front_startpos or nil == linktag_front_endpos ) then return msg; end
	local linktag_front = string.sub( msg, linktag_front_startpos, linktag_front_endpos );

	local linktag_rear_startpos, linktag_rear_endpos = string.find( msg, [[<%s*\end%s*>]], linktag_front_endpos + 1  );
	if( nil == linktag_rear_startpos or nil == linktag_rear_endpos ) then return msg; end
	local linktag_rear = string.sub( msg, linktag_rear_startpos, linktag_rear_endpos );

	local name = string.sub( msg, linktag_front_endpos + 1, linktag_rear_startpos - 1 );

	local spritename_startpos, spritename_endpos = string.find( linktag_front, [[".*"]] );
	if( nil == spritename_startpos or nil == spritename_endpos ) then return msg; end
	local spritename = string.sub( linktag_front, spritename_startpos + 1, spritename_endpos - 1 );

	local tagstr = string.format( [[<NAVI>%s<INFO>%s,0,0,3,-222</INFO></NAVI>]], name, spritename );
	local final = "";
	if( linktag_front_startpos > 1 ) then final = final .. string.sub( msg, 1, linktag_front_startpos - 1 ); end
	final = final .. tagstr;
	if( linktag_rear_endpos < #msg ) then final = final .. string.sub( msg, linktag_rear_endpos +1 ); end

	return QuestTable.func_quest_lower_exchange_linktag( final );



In Topic: [GUIDE] Add Custom Quest (In Any Tab)

25 March 2016 - 12:47 PM

no help? okay....

In Topic: [GUIDE] Add Custom Quest (In Any Tab)

19 March 2016 - 01:20 PM

Hi, works only on RagexeRE
does not work on Ragexe, Quest window is empty...

tested on:
2014-10-22bRagexe.exe does not work
2015-05-13aRagexe.exe does not work
2015-09-16aRagexe.exe does not work
2015-10-29aRagexeRE.exe working
but I need client until 2015-09
where can I download RagexeRE ?


Hunt1 = [[Poring]], = client crah
Item = [[Jellopy]], = no image