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[REQ] 2 Scripts
28 April 2016 - 12:16 PM
Where the player can mark their presence in the game, choosing whether to be present by:
1 hour = 2 points
2 hours = 5 points
3 hours = 10 points
Also put @at protection to stop the count.
And continue to count where you left off if Relocate or change character when the fullness of time by advertising dispbottom
2 - Event Destination in Letters
Event where players are teleported to a room where it will be tested the fate of each with the ability "Destination of Letters", the event starts by rounds, to pass the "Destination of Letters" one by one to see who is or who dies (leaving the room automatically) to complete the cycle starts another round doing the same round by round procedure to remain only one to win a prize item
if possible wanted to do so: only use these cards in skills:
Continue to next round (chance 50%)
Player wins lucky to skip the next round being immune for 1 round (chance 10%)
Earn 50% HP and SP and continue to next round (chance 30%)
Reduce 1% of the SP and HP and continue to next round (chance 20%)
Reduce 50% of the SP and HP and continue to next round (chance 40%)
Loses, dies and leaves the room (chance 25%)
PS: To lose all your HP and SP the player loses, dies and leaves the room. (Prohibiting the use of skills in the room and healing items)
Event PacPoring
22 April 2016 - 01:00 AM
Hello, I had this event for many years, he had taken him in eAthena, and had translated it for my language, and as I'm back to using the Ragnarok again, I would ask for this great favor, to update this npc event for new settings emulator.
Video of Event:
Download Event in Attach.
Editing the shop window ROPs
11 April 2016 - 10:14 PM
Well, I'm trying to do three things really ..
1 - What source of these side buttons, because I wanted to edit them (wings, Elmos, Hats, Cards, Equip, Utilities ...)
2 - I wonder how to remove this line that has the window also selected in red, especially the part input field ... I will only use only one currency in @cash server and not @kafrapoint
3 - I've looked all msgstringtable and did not find the part you edit that part which selected in red, in the chat window, because I wanted to edit the text
Obs: I'm using hexed 2014-03-05
[Pedido] Sistema de Caça aos MVPs
15 March 2016 - 01:12 PM
Alguem tem esse script? ou poderia fazer?
Link: http://forum.newro.c...-caca-aos-mvps/
14 March 2016 - 11:23 PM
Por caso alguém teria a tradução pronta do emulador para compartilhar comigo?
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