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Member Since 21 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2017 03:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Sakexe Client

27 July 2016 - 09:25 AM

Hello, I just want to ask if 3CeAM supports old Sakexe clients most likely year 2005? Thank you!

FluxCP Database

21 July 2016 - 07:06 AM

Hello Hercules Community,


I'm working with my fluxcp and I just want to confirm if the following sql files are in the correct database.


main database:

- item_db.sql

- main.sql

- mob_db.sql

- mob_skill_db.sql


log database:

- logs.sql


followup question hmmm should I also need to import this following sql files in my main database?

- item_db2.sql

- mob_db2.sql

- mob_skill_db2.sql


Thank you in advance.

Updated GIT Hercules Error

08 July 2016 - 05:03 AM

Hello Hercules Community,


I just want to report an error regards with build action in visual studio 2015 using updated git clone of hercules.


Previous hercules git clone is working fine without showing any errors when building, but when I try to pull and get updated hercules, it gives me an error.


Here's the screenshot of the error.




Thank you in advance.




Solve! Thank to @MishimaHaruna.

Diffing old clients

01 July 2016 - 03:24 PM

Greetings Herc Community,


I got a sakexe 2004, and I can't find any diff file for this client year. Does anyone still got a old diff file for 2004 sakexe? would you mind to share it with me. or maybe a tutorial on how to make own diff file to use for shin patcher or k3dt patcher.


I already tried nemo patcher but others option has showing error.


Hoping that someone still got a diff file.


Thank you!


Remove taekwon rankings

29 June 2016 - 02:12 AM

Greetings Hercules Community,


I just want to ask how to disable or remove the taekwon rankings when you type /taekwon


also how to remove the /taekwon in command list alt + y window under exe tab




Hoping that someone could help me regards my concern.


Thank you in advance.


Edit: I already manage to remove the /taekwon text in the alt + y window but whenever I hover my mouse to its location and click the taekwon rankings still showing.