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Member Since 16 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2016 02:44 PM

Issues I've Posted

    [Rune Knight] 100 Spears (wrong range?)

    Posted 6 Mar 2014

    hi there.

    is 100 spears range of 1 cell intended?
    whatever spear we use on our server, we need to stand right next to the target when using this skill...

    RMS says: 5 cells Range
    IroWiki says: melee range (with spear, range usually is 4)


    2004,1,8,1,-1,0,0,10,-5,no,0,0,0,weapon,0, RK_HUNDREDSPEAR,Hundred Spear

    shouldn't that be 4 or 5?


    additionally, iroWiki says:
    chance of autocast spear boomerang when using 100 spears, and 6 cells knockback when spear boom hits.
    well, spear boom procs, but no knockback.

    mid_camp Camp guards not letting on fields after quests.

    Posted 15 Nov 2013

    well, as title says:

    while doing the "New Surroundings" quest the camp guards let you through to the spl/man fields.
    after you finish that quest you can't pass anymore. bug or intended?

    Monsters 'Waterball'

    Posted 10 Nov 2013

    hi there.

    might be a bug or not, but it confuses me.
    on splendide field, that annoying nagas keep spamming waterball.
    good, no big deal, if you see red numbers fly, instant-flywing.
    but that waterball keeps hitting, even if you tele'd to the other end of the map and start walking. no flying red numbers, you just see vanish your HP ("y me dedz o_O?").
    you have stand still (usual 3 sec invul thingy) after tele away to bypass that.

    so, my questions:
    1.) is that mapwide-range-waterball intended or is it just some wild bug?
    2.) is there a way to let the numbers fly?
    3.) no waterballing wizz on the server i play, so no idea if that even works on pvp

    can't tell, never played official servers with renewal-meachanics.