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Member Since 13 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2017 03:45 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: i cant install FluxCP

04 June 2017 - 10:20 AM

allow the website IP on your VPS mysql server

In Topic: download page on flux

04 June 2017 - 03:31 AM

where's your downloads.php file? it should be on your /themes/<name of your theme>/main/downloads.php

In Topic: Ragnarok Hosting Business

19 May 2017 - 04:25 AM

I have plan to enter the RO Hosting business and looking the right reseller vps hosting for this with good anti ddos and affordable price. I hope anyone can help me :) Thank you!


Some just reselling vps, and some are buying dedicated and divide it and make a vps. Maybe post in hosting forum and you will get much better answer.  

In Topic: Unmanned Hosting on DO

18 May 2017 - 06:21 AM

You can buy a vps on DO then a shared hosting in any hosting company you want. Allow your shared hosting IP in your mysql server in vps and also allow remote access in your mysql server.



Good Day Everyone,


I'm planning to get a hosting service at DO but I got this question on the back of my mind. If I applied for a VPS should I get a webhost on them too or I will use the VPS as my webhost also. My point is I don't want to much stress on my VPS. I hope someone can enlighten me.


Thank you.


More power Herc.ws


I suggest always separate your website and server. Its not recommended to run them on the same machine unless  you are running on a dedicated server


1 more thing mates, for example I bought 1 VPS on DO and decide to make a webhost also on DO because I want DO to handle my server and my webhost. Is that possible? I'll make the other VPS to be my webhost. 



Yes. 1 vps for game server and 1 vps for web server. But, my suggestion is to get a shared hosting with cpanel + 1 vps game server. 

In Topic: Unmanned Hosting on DO

18 May 2017 - 04:53 AM

You can buy a vps on DO then a shared hosting in any hosting company you want. Allow your shared hosting IP in your mysql server in vps and also allow remote access in your mysql server.