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Member Since 18 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active May 11 2016 09:30 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Help FluxCP error date time at register

22 April 2016 - 05:00 PM

Thanks for the reply i think its the WAMP that cause errors, then i use XAMPP everything is smooth without problems. you can close this thread, thank you.

In Topic: GM command @item Hang/Freeze Server

22 April 2016 - 05:19 PM

Same as me, im running windows 7 64 Bit, when i use @item Apple, it will hangs the server and client, but if i restart MySQL Service it will run again. 


Any Fix?



i Found the problem, its the log SQL.


Make sure you set your inter_server.conf log database in the correct database.


// MySQL Log SQL Database
log_db_port: 3306
log_db_id: root
log_db_pw: password
log_db_db: log
log_login_db: loginlog
Hope this helps