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Member Since 01 May 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2017 12:15 PM

Topics I've Started

size webbrowser

27 February 2017 - 12:56 AM

I would like to know how I can increase the webbrowser screen size of the hexed client 2015-11-04




Solved: <URL>Google<INFO>http://www.google.com/,800,600</INFO></URL>

Suport Daily Login

13 February 2017 - 05:03 PM

How to make the prize not be reset or repeated? Example: the player took the prize of day 1 and 2, then he did not enter the server today, and he was to enter tomorrow the prize would not be reset or repeated, only he would get the 3 prize following the order



Box Custom Aleatorio

05 February 2017 - 05:54 PM

É assim, no caso seria 2 coisas que precisaria.

1º Um NPC para adicionar os ids do custom quer seria ganho aleatoriamente pelo custom item (Bau de Donate)

2º O Custom item Baú de Donate que ao abrir ganha um item aleatório adicionando pelo NPC 


Duvida extra:

Como fazer para um certo custom item ser deletado da conta, apos o periodo vip acabar do player.

EX: o player adquiriu VIP de 30 dias e ele ganha um custom visual (Plaquinha de VIP), mas ao acabar o periodo do vip, esse custom item seria deletado da conta.

[Request] PvP

27 January 2017 - 09:46 PM

There are 5 rooms, each room shows how many players are in the room!
Room 1: PvP Ranking (Opens at 6:00 p.m. and closes at 8:00 p.m.)
Room 2: GvG Ranking (It opens at 6:00 p.m. and closes at 8:00 p.m.)
Room 3: PvP No Ranking
Room 4: GvG No Ranking
Room 5: Party No Ranking (with menu to choose 2x2 | 3x3 | 4x4 | 5x5)
Obs: In rooms 3 to 4 would have an automatic resuscitation when dying in 10 seconds
NPC: to consult the Ranking of PvP and GvG and Points* obtained in the victories in any room. The Ranking would be monthly, awarding the prize to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place, then it would be reset automatically for next month
*Points: Points would be awarded as follows:
Victory consecutive ...
1 win = 1 point
5 wins = 10 points
10 wins = 25 points
Consecutive Defeats ...
2 losses = -1 point
5 losses = -3 points
10 losses = -5 points
Note: These points would be exchanged for items in an npc shop that would also need this npc rsrs ^^


27 December 2016 - 08:50 PM

Hi, I was visiting a forum and I found this: I would like to know if you have how to update or adapt this Twitter function

