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Member Since 11 May 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2016 11:09 AM

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In Topic: Questions

15 May 2016 - 03:55 AM

*Update again*


I'm running my server with a friend of mine very well. Only problem is that inside the clientinfo.xml keeps changing ip origninally back to, which I don't understand why. I just need to re-edit the clientinfo.xml and replace the .grf for it to work via connection.


So after these few hours of working (with great number of hours sleeping), I am still a bit furious about diff a latest ragexe client. I'm using NEMO on a 20150513, but upon entering the server failed to connect. I have no idea how to force my RO to the latest update. New items will cease to crash or become unknown sprite. Updating the rsu-kro-rag-lite and rsu-kro-renewal-lite still seem to crash me horrendously.

In Topic: Questions

14 May 2016 - 06:16 PM



Censoring my ip and the admin login (reason for future possibilities), accessing through another account with its latest errors shown in the cmd.exe after the server failed to connect. 


Also, exclude the login-server when it asked about configure the network.conf, I've already did that.


There is no absolute type of WARNING or error log according using the cmd. It must be something of a document I might be doing wrong.


So following this guide: http://herc.ws/board...-but-no-errors/

I decided to just use the suggested ragexe number in my mmo:  20120716


I finally got that part out of the way. I'll post more by bumping (excuse me in advance).

Sorry for the bump, but after able to login the server using the ragexe id: 20120716, I am still seeing:


Closed connection from


Is it possible I'm actually having an issue from having any possible friends (lan most likely) from joining? I still see no errors from the cmd once logged into the server.

In Topic: [Guide] How to setup hercules

11 May 2016 - 11:45 PM

[Ignore post - Compiling the four files were missing from the hercules I've downloaded and went to download the latest hercules-master files]