Still having client crashes with mid 2014 client... any other solution?
*edit* works fine on my test server with 2013 - 08 - 07... same script. What on earth...? What could I be doing wrong in the other server? >:
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17 May 2016 - 02:57 PM
Still having client crashes with mid 2014 client... any other solution?
*edit* works fine on my test server with 2013 - 08 - 07... same script. What on earth...? What could I be doing wrong in the other server? >:
14 May 2016 - 08:55 AM
Which client are you using? I noticed when instancing certain maps, some effects are not copied into the instanced maps, some maps I tried making instances on would crash. Maybe the newest client doesn't do this? Please bring more details to me.
I know quite a bit about the instancing system and would be glad to help you in anyway I can.
Hello Aeromesi, thank you for your reply.
I'm using client 07-08-2013. The instance is official in Hercules, freshly taken from github. Could you recommend me a client that you've had no problems with so far? I'd like to see if the problem persists with a more updated client.