Hello. Is it possible for my warper to show the active castle at a certain day and time? Like for example during monday, time 20:00-22:00, will display Kriemhild and Mardol warp only. Here's the basic script of my WoE warper. Thanks in advance.
turbo_room,118,101,5 script WoE Warper#1::WoE Warper 1288,{ menu "Viblainn (Sunday)",Vib,"Mersetzdeitz (Sunday)",Mer,"Mardol (Monday)",Mar,"Kriemhild (Monday)",Kri,"Horn (Tuesday)",Hor,"Holy Shadow (Tuesday)",Hol,"Fadhgridh (Wednesday)",Fad,"Wuerzburg (Wednesday)",Wue,"Himinn (Thursday)",Him,"Nuenburg (Thursday)",Nue,"Andlangr (Friday)",And,"Bergel (Friday)",Ber,"Cyr (Saturday)",Cyr,"Bamboo Groove Hill (Saturday)",Bam,"Cancel",Cancel; Vib: warp "sch_gld",98,191; close; Mer: warp "gef_fild13",309,88; close; Mar: warp "aru_gld",161,267; close; Kri: warp "prt_gld",134,65; close; Hor: warp "aru_gld",68,162; close; Hol: warp "pay_gld",315,293; close; Fad: warp "prt_gld",153,135; close; Wue: warp "alde_gld",236,243; close; Him: warp "sch_gld",294,100; close; Nue: warp "alde_gld",142,85; close; And: warp "sch_gld",287,249; close; Ber: warp "gef_fild13",191,276; close; Cyr: warp "aru_gld",85,47; close; Bam: warp "pay_gld",204,263; close; Cancel: close; }