I'm looking for the MVP Power Up skill and AB's Consuleo Heal skill effects in data.grf.
I want to make a countdown for the Power Up skill, like this one with pneuma:
It is possible to do?
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15 June 2016 - 12:46 PM
I'm looking for the MVP Power Up skill and AB's Consuleo Heal skill effects in data.grf.
I want to make a countdown for the Power Up skill, like this one with pneuma:
It is possible to do?
15 June 2016 - 12:40 PM
Hello! In many servers I saw the buff Icon with timer. Same for the skills.
There is a way to add it into my server? Actually on my server there is no countdown, the only way to see the remaining time of a buff is to mouseover the icon of the buff.
There are some screens of what I want to do: