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Member Since 22 Sep 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2017 09:28 PM

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Migrating from rAthena

20 April 2017 - 08:23 PM

Hi guys!


I'm currently migrating our server (custom rAthena, about 1 year old version) to hercules, and I have some questions:

  1. Is there any nice way to convert my item/mob/... MySQL db to the .conf format? I only saw .txt -> .conf converters.
  2. Regarding HPM function overloading: What happens if two plugins overload the same function? To my understanding, only the plugin which was loaded last gets to overload that function.
  3. Is it possible to add custom params using HPM? (by params I mean stuff like Zeny or Hp inside scripts)
  4. Is it possible to add custom mapflags using HPM?
  5. Is there any documentation for the HPM (except the wiki)?
  6. Is there a communication channel outside of the forums for devs?

Looking forward to your answers :)



