hi,... good day to you guys
can someone have a edited file with this?
tired of editing this.. please if you have
can i have a sample... please
25 October 2016 - 06:22 AM
hi,... good day to you guys
can someone have a edited file with this?
tired of editing this.. please if you have
can i have a sample... please
16 October 2016 - 12:40 AM
prontera,160,172,0 script Fishing Hole 723,{ //Fishing rod set .@Rod,2764; //Fishing Lure set .@Lure,2775; //Auto-Fish set .@Auto,1; //Auto-Fish on Fail set .@AutoFail,1; Fish: if (isequipped(.@Rod)) && (isequipped(.@Lure)){ specialeffect EF_BUBBLE,"Fishing Hole"; dispbottom "[Fishing] Casting..."; set .@fcast,15; if (isequipped(2550)) { //Fisher's Muffler set .@fcast,.@fcast - 2; } if (isequipped(2443)) { //Fisher's Boots set .@fcast,.@fcast - 2; } if (isequipped(2764)) { //Fishing Pole set .@fcast,.@fcast - 3; } if (isequipped(2775)) { //Fishing Lure set .@fcast,.@fcast - 1; } progressbar "ffffff",.@fcast; if (rand(1,100) == 4){ getitem 7539,5; //Fish with Blue Back specialeffect2 EF_TEMP_OK; mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0)+" has caught a Fish with Poring Coin!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; if(.@Auto==1){ goto Fish;}else{ end;} } if (rand(1,6) == 1) ||(rand(1,6) == 3) || (rand(1,6) == 6){ setarray .@Catch[0],607,603,14232,7227;// List of Junk/Other set .@CatchRand,.@Catch[rand(getarraysize(.@Catch))]; getitem .@CatchRand,1; } else { dispbottom "[Fishing] Nothing was caught..."; if(.@AutoFail == 1){ goto Fish;} else{ end;} } if (rand(1,100) == 3){ setarray .@Rare[0],674,7227,13517; set .@RareCatch, .@Rare[rand(getarraysize(.@Rare))]; getitem .@RareCatch,1; //Reward mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0)+" has caught a "+getitemname(.@RareCatch)+"!",bc_map,"0x33CC00"; } if(.@Auto == 1){ goto Fish;} else{ end;} } else { dispbottom "[Fishing] You need a Rod and Lure."; end; } }
15 October 2016 - 01:10 AM
14 October 2016 - 11:41 PM
14 October 2016 - 11:15 PM