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Member Since 28 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2013 03:52 PM

Topics I've Started

Query master login table

02 September 2013 - 08:34 AM

Hello, I'm trying to use Multiple-Zone servers, almost everything is working fine, except the query for the 'master' login table


I'm using two different VPS to host these two servers:


Server 1: login server, map server, char server

Server 2: map server, char server


The problem here is the query from the npc's of the Server 2, they do not apply to the 'master' login table on the Server 1, the query just run on the local database, who should not have any information about the 'login' table.


There's any way to force the query from the npc's run on the 'master' database or should I just forget about Multi-Zone servers on different machines ?

Ragexe 20120612 Crash Problem

17 July 2013 - 05:35 PM

Hello guys, I got a really wierd problem with my Ragexe 20120612 from Judas, it crashes everyone if and only if you are in party and hit a monster!


I aready tryed these possible solutions:


1. Change packets.h



2. Change mmo.h to use packets form 20120618


All these things did not resolved my problem, I'm really lost on this, haha




Just tested with 20120410 Ragexe and got the same poblem, omg