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Member Since 14 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 08 2017 12:53 AM

Topics I've Started

Script don't work properly.

03 June 2017 - 09:36 PM

Hi. I'm having trouble with this script. It's really cool though, it does not work properly, I just modified the summoned monsters, it's practically the original script of the author. The problems are:
  • When you kill all the monsters, the event does not end.
  • When killing the winning monsters, the item configured(7711) in the NPC is not being received.


No errors presented in the map-server



Program to organize iteminfo.lua / lub by id, name, etc ...

25 May 2017 - 01:25 AM

Is there any program to organize iteminfo.lua / lub by id, name, etc ...? If so, which one?

Require a certain amount of reputation, posts and time registered to perform Downloads.

21 May 2017 - 01:46 AM

  • X - amount of reputation.
  • Y - amount of posts.
  • Z - amount of registered.

Objective: Increase number of: collaborators, help, people active, content, etc. And decrease the number of: preachers, profiteers, etc.

Look at some numbers.
  • 78816 Total Posts
  • 10072 Total Members
  • 6341 Most Online
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Require a certain amount of reputation, posts and time registered to perform Downloads.
Yes, you did not read wrong, I'm suggesting it. "But why?", "Are you crazy?" Well, the reason is simple. We have a large number of users, a lot of active and great collaborators. However, I see few collaborators, for many people who only receive the contributions. They do not want to help with anything, they do not want to collaborate, they do not want to give support, they do not want to bring content, in short, they want nothing more than to enjoy the work of others. I see there are many ways to help in some way and this is almost always ignored. The Hercules emulator is very big, but it did not reach this stage with this type of people, but with those who work hard, but with all this success, unfortunately this was completed with many lazy and that is something not good for the community, We do not need people like that.

Mode clone don't work

12 May 2017 - 01:31 AM

Hello. I've been trying to create a copy of players for representation in the Hall of Fame all day, but I can not. The only way I imagined doing this is through the "clone" command. Look at the structure:

*clone("<map name>", <x>, <y>, "<event>", <char id>{, <master_id>{, <mode>{, <flag>, <duration>}}})

As it will only be a "representation" of the player, I would like the clone to be immobile, not to attack and not to move. But it is not working. What is wrong? My script.

prontera,158,168,2	script	HALL	4W_M_01,{
clone "prontera", 157, 167, "HALL::OnMobDead", 150005,0,0x0; //{, <master_id>{, <mode>{, <flag>, <duration>}}})

The value of "mode" was taken from here in the doc folder of the emulator. Where as can be seen:

06: 0x0000 (passive, immobile, can't attack) [plants]

I also found this topic, but it did not help much.



I would like to leave it like this:



Multi item_db

09 May 2017 - 01:42 AM

Hello. I wonder if this is possible? I am from Brazil and here the native language is Portuguese, so because of this I would like to know if it is possible to use more than one item_db?