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Member Since 30 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active May 04 2015 02:26 PM

Issues I've Posted

    Battleground: List of Bugs

    Posted 3 Dec 2013

    1) After BG ends (team win or not) - there is no rewards.
    2) Situation 1: Player A (Team 1) and Player B (team 2) enjoy BG 1x1.
    BG start and they can fight (destroy guards and crystal). If one player left BG - for ex Player B (restart or DC) - another player can play BG normal (alone on the map). If DC Player (Player B go in to the game and make BG queue, Player A will get BG message "BG IS READY WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN"? After this player B connect to the current BG (which Player A plays), BG scripts going reboot and guards/crystals spawns again (like BG is just started).
    3) Sometimes (for 1х1 BG conf), i was trying to register 3 players: A, B, C. Player A and player B join BG normaly, and player C just stay in town for 1-2 minutes and then join current BG (2x1).
    4) All players on BG get message about joining BG if some one else trying to queue (but they are play BG right now)
    5) Working BG arena - only one (flavius)

    BG is really buggy and i wonder why no one trying report this.
    Looks like all servers using eamod or smth else, cauze BG is not working (and nobody cares)


    BG Queue: Doesn't start

    Posted 9 Nov 2013

    New report:

    [Warning]: script_hqueue_remove: unknown queue id 5 (used with var 2000001)

    db/pre-re/item_db.txt [weight bug]

    Posted 2 Aug 2013

    For Pre-RE
    For ex:
    1. Open this https://github.com/H...-re/item_db.txt
    2. Find 1125(Saber)
    3. Check this: 1126,Saber,Saber,4,49000,,1000,115,,1,2,0x000654E2,7,2,2,3,27,1,2,{},{},{}
    4. Default item weight: 100
    A lot of items have wrong "0" in weight script.
    Default: 200, Hercules: 2000, and etc.
