Help on allowing other GM other than Admin use #commands. Thanks!
- Viewing Profile: Topics: DiversityRO
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Topics I've Started
31 March 2017 - 06:32 AM
Map Help
10 March 2017 - 04:58 PM
Why is it that when I use some Custom Map it has black background. For example I used PvP_Valk which is like valkyrie area that is floating but the background is black. Any chances to make it look like a sky?
Please See Attached File.
27 February 2017 - 08:06 AM
Is it possible to have 50% Unbreakable armors?
item_db help!
23 February 2017 - 09:32 AM
Hi. Why is it that when I make for example the Variant Shoes to Job : All:True it still cant be worn by ninjas
Id: 2423
AegisName: "Variant_Shoes"
Name: "Variant Shoes"
Type: 5
Buy: 20
Weight: 500
Def: 3
Upper: 2
Loc: 64
EquipLv: 85
Script: <"
bonus bMaxHPrate,20-getrefine();
bonus bMaxSPrate,20-getrefine();
bonus bDef,getrefine()/2;
Like this.
Thanatos Quest
17 February 2017 - 03:53 PM
Is it possible to make the Thanatos Quest requirements different? It will only require the Fragments? Thanks!
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