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Member Since 27 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2017 01:50 AM

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In Topic: Hercules on RaspberryPi 3

28 March 2017 - 02:19 AM

Well, looks like you've mixed it all up...


It doesn't take sudo to run ./configure unless the directories are owned by other user..

I didn't do a single sudo.


The problem about unknown databse is that if you run these commands

mysql -u root -p hercuser_rag < main.sql
mysql -u root -p hercuser_log < logs.sql

You import to hercuser_rag and hercuser_log 

But in your server config you try to access database ragnarok ...


You need to configure your server properly.


BTW, Wiki is outdated I think



Thanks, I thought it was something to do with how I configured the database itself. I found sql-connection.conf and changed things around. I think the permission issues came from screwing around with the default pi user before creating the new user. I'll probably rebuild it all once I have a better grasp of how everything is working together.


Got it running properly now! I'll rebuild it tomorrow, test, and document it all.

In Topic: Hercules on RaspberryPi 3

27 March 2017 - 11:42 PM

No, no problems at all!

All went nice and smooth.


Did you took note of the problems you ran into?


Share please!

Maybe, I could check to see if I have solutions and mark them as possible mistakes in my guide?



One of the things I ran into was having to sudo up for a lot of things, despite the "hercuser" I created having the same permissions as the original "pi" user. For instance, I had to use it to compile - "sudo ./configure". I also ran into issues with the SQL command syntax for creating the MySQL user. The Debian guide uses % instead of localhost, which didn't work for me.


CREATE USER 'ragnarok'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ragnarok';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ragnarok.* to 'ragnarok'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ragnarok'


Then I had to run this instead of the "-prootpassword" bit because it kept giving me an error.
mysql -u root -p hercuser_rag < main.sql
mysql -u root -p hercuser_log < logs.sql


It does look like I've done the databases incorrectly since I get "Unknown database 'ragnarok'" when it tries to connect to the Map DB Server and Character DB Server.

Attached File  HercDatabaseProblem.PNG   28.32K   7 downloads


Do you have any recommendations?


In Topic: Hercules on RaspberryPi 3

27 March 2017 - 11:50 AM

Did you run into any issues following the Debian guide? There were a few syntax problems I ran into. Aside from fixing a few mistakes I made though, my Raspberry Pi 3 is running Hercules. Now to get my client functional on my gaming PC.


I'd love to see your guide. I wrote down all the steps I took to build mine, but it's not perfect.