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Member Since 17 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2017 10:21 AM

Topics I've Started

Lower level requirement for merchant carts

16 May 2017 - 08:30 PM



Is it possible to allow all merchant classes to use carts intended for mechanics and genetics?


Lowering the levels in clif.c does nothing:


#ifdef NEW_CARTS
		(type == 9 && sd->status.base_level > 130) ||
		(type == 8 && sd->status.base_level > 120) ||
		(type == 7 && sd->status.base_level > 110) ||
		(type == 6 && sd->status.base_level > 100) ||
		(type == 5 && sd->status.base_level >  90) ||
		(type == 4 && sd->status.base_level >  80) ||
		(type == 3 && sd->status.base_level >  65) ||
		(type == 2 && sd->status.base_level >  40) ||
		(type == 1))


Is this hardcoded in the client?


Thank you.

Control Panel with master accounts

11 May 2017 - 09:03 PM



I am currently looking at different control panels and can't seem to find one that supports master accounts (web accounts that let you register and manage multiple in-game accounts).


All control panels with this functionality seem to be dead and outdated. The account-management branch of Herc's FluxCP was last updated in 2013.


I wanted to ask if there is some FluxCP module or other control panel that I am missing or do people just not use master accounts?


Thank you!

Shop name instead of merchant name for @whosell and @whobuy

09 May 2017 - 12:58 PM



I am using the @whosell and @whobuy plugins from Dastgir's repository.


Currently, these commands show "Seller" and "Buyer" in their respective search results that show the name of the merchant that runs the shop. I was wondering if it was possible to change that to the name of the shop itself.


So this: Amount: 1 | Price: 10000 | Map: prontera[150,150] | Seller: Merchant

would become this: Amount: 1 | Price: 10000 | Map: prontera[150,150] | Shop: Cool stuff


If I understand correctly this is only possible for shops that use @autotrade, while the @whosell command works on every shop? If so, could you please point me to a @whosell command that only works for @autotrading shops, since that is fine with me.


Thank you!

Increase drop from monters by type

07 May 2017 - 08:11 PM



Is it possible to dynamically increase drop rates from certain types of monsters, for example Fish monsters?


Thank you!