Awe thanks, im glad you found good use for the map!
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In Topic: Map: Unknown Area
16 April 2016 - 12:12 AM
In Topic: What do you think? about Map Designer
03 December 2015 - 04:58 PM
I'm going to go ahead and reply to this topic.
Because it pertains to me, not because I feel the need to defend myself, but only because i'll go ahead and shed some light on this topic.
This incident happened in 2011, back when I was still a new mapper on eA. I had created Aeven Forest, which some people know this map because it is a free release. However, Goodev did buy it at one point and commissioned me for another map which he blew up about on eA and caused this drama of a thread, which is all in the past now so its no big deal.
He did purchase Aeven when I had created it and I waited 6 months before releasing it. However he never bought exclusive rights. This was a dumb mistake on my part as I was still just really new at mapping. I wasn't just trying to get money, if anyone knows me they know I undercharge for maps. I just made a stupid decision back then. That's all.
I thought i'd just clarify that before things get out of control.
There is no need for a thread like this on here when there was one on eA when you were unhappy with the other map. Posting my 'real info' on sites just really is kinda lowly. Goodev and I have talked since this thread so, yeah.
Again, just thought i'd shed some light on the situation before this topic really does spiral and a bunch of assumptions are made.
In Topic: [Showcase] Melancholy
07 October 2015 - 07:14 PM
Before the event was held, me and the developer thought of adding warps to all dead ends but that takes too much time. I am fine with disposing the map after use since I have a lot of event map ideas in my head anyway. I might just sell this map to those who are interested and let them do whatever they want to it.
This is a good idea too
In Topic: [Showcase] Melancholy
06 October 2015 - 04:05 PM
Hmm. Idea is nice, but the thing is... Are you sure that after finding a way through the maze once people won't lose interest as it won't change?
i agree on this.
maybe you can add some maze runner twist where the walls will move and the way to exit changes everytime the event starts
Pretty much what Froggy Said, maps cannot move. They are stationary, the only thing y ou can do is add different areas where portals are.
As for disposing the map after 1 use, I think if you use it little enough that players wont remember righto ff the top of their heads where the exit is. Just a thought, i'd hate to see this map only be used once.
In Topic: Map customized with black failures.
04 October 2015 - 06:32 PM
Go to Group Object Edit, and select the whole map, then just page up all the objects at once.
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