Is it possible to make a whole new database?
I know it's difficult and involves a lot of work, but... i want to do it
Can anyone give me any advice?
16 November 2015 - 11:25 PM
Is it possible to make a whole new database?
20 October 2015 - 02:04 PM
hi, my question is:
it's possible to use monster skills as player skills?
put them in the skill tree, select level, add icons, req items, etc?
like: NPC_SUMMONSLAVE work like SUMMON_FLORA?; or use NPC VAMPIRE GIFT as any other skill?
Does this cause problems if i try?, is a good idea? (please, don't think about the job balance ¬¬)
Or is it better to copy the skill and use that copy for players?, In that case... how can I do it?
I thought about this because if I can use it through items... I can use them as my own right?
... if i make some changes of course (skill_db, skill_req, luas in skilinfoz, etc)
What do you think my friends?