okay, i tried to open an old crd album but i got nothing and in the console it says "buildin_getrandgroupitem 'old_card_album' 616 isnt a group "
what could be wrong...i touched nothing in item groups...
philg666 hasn't added any friends yet.
17 October 2013 - 04:12 PM
okay, i tried to open an old crd album but i got nothing and in the console it says "buildin_getrandgroupitem 'old_card_album' 616 isnt a group "
what could be wrong...i touched nothing in item groups...
19 August 2013 - 11:54 PM
Hi, i searched to change the item used in cash shop, since they are account bound with #
my problem is that the money of my server is a custom item right now (i mean you can earn them with instances and event and can trade them...good for economy )
so what i want to do is that the cash shop could take this custom item called "Yggdrasil Coin" and that this coin would replace the cashpoint thing.
i already tried a npc to convert items in cashpoints but i think it would be less complicated for players to have the items in cash shop buyable directly with my custom item.
So the question is, where can i change the cashpoints for my Yggdrasil Coin ?
15 August 2013 - 10:01 PM
im kinda new here, i was working with rAthena before and i got this problem when i try to load my custom instances into Hercules
it say in console that i need more " ) " to close something that is already closed or asking for " ; " and " , " where there is already one...
exemple of instances: Endless cellar , Bukonawa and the two other from that RO ep(with hard names... ), i got two custom instances and old glast heim is having the same problem
so what can i do to make it works with Hercules ?
is it complicated?
Thank you