thanks sir. i think i have it now.
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In Topic: R> Newbie Tour Guide NPC
07 October 2013 - 09:47 AM
In Topic: R> Newbie Tour Guide NPC
03 October 2013 - 02:24 PM
Refer to the following commands :
*npctalk "<message>";This command will display a message to the surrounding area as if the NPCobject running it was a player talking - that is, above their head and inthe chat window. The display name of the NPC will get appended in front ofthe message to complete the effect. // This will make everyone in the area see the NPC greet the character // who just invoked it. npctalk "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", how are you?";
*npcspeed <speed value>;*npcwalkto <x>,<y>;*npcstop;These commands will make the NPC object in question move around the map.As they currently are, they are a bit buggy and are not useful for muchmore than making an NPC move randomly around the map.'npcspeed' will set the NPCs walking speed to a specified value. As in the@speed GM command, 200 is the slowest possible speed while 0 is thefastest possible (instant motion). 100 is the default character walkingspeed.'npcwalkto' will start the NPC sprite moving towards the specifiedcoordinates on the same map as it is currently on. The script proceedsimmediately after the NPC begins moving.'npcstop' will stop the motion.While in transit, the NPC will be clickable, but invoking it will cause itto stop moving, which will make it's coordinates different from what theclient computed based on the speed and motion coordinates. The effect israther unnerving.Only a few NPC sprites have walking animations, and those that do, do notget the animation invoked when moving the NPC, due to the problem in theNPC walking code, which looks a bit silly. You might have better successby defining a job-sprite based sprite id in 'db/mob_avail.txt' with this.
i just need auto warp sir. hehe. walking npc is too much.
and i'd like to add also if this is posible?
-example. the tour guide explained the use of instant job changer npc. can i put the script of the instant job changer npc to the tour guide npc to change the job of the player
while still in the tour guide script?
sorry, it sounds dificult :3 im just wondering if thats posible. thanks in advance
In Topic: How to lower the additional damage of EDP
24 September 2013 - 03:24 PM
what if we are not using renewal edp fomula?
In Topic: How to remove Cooldown Asura when Body relo is used?
22 September 2013 - 05:05 PM
sir how about editing the aftercast delay of asura combo. except for skill.conf.
and how to reduce damage of skill? mainly asura?
thanks in advance.
In Topic: EXP Problem
19 September 2013 - 02:30 PM
my exp rate is 700000 - 7000% just that.. its basic edit.
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