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Member Since 11 Sep 2013
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#14948 How to add items in Cash shop In game

Posted by schwierig on 12 September 2013 - 01:29 PM

Why aren't you just reading the thread?



#14947 Soul Link Modif.. [Request]

Posted by schwierig on 12 September 2013 - 12:25 PM

Simple modification for Priest.

I am using the Shield Reflect Statuschange from the Crusader and add it as an additional status on the Priest when the SL is cast. Though I can't make it reflect exactly 30% with that method, since it is using this table:




I could make a switch for the status effect itself, but I think that's a bit overkill considering on level 7 the difference is only 1%.


In skill.c search for:

			if (skill_id == SL_SUPERNOVICE && dstsd && dstsd->die_counter && !(rnd()%100))			{	//Erase death count 1% of the casts				dstsd->die_counter = 0;				pc_setglobalreg(dstsd,"PC_DIE_COUNTER", 0);				clif->specialeffect(bl, 0x152, AREA);				//SC_SOULLINK invokes status_calc_pc for us.			}

and place this after that:

if (skill_id == SL_PRIEST) {    clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,    sc_start4(bl,SC_REFLECTSHIELD,100,7,skill_id,0,0,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv)));}


I have no idea how the others work. I don't even know if the HP modification is possible. Though I will take a look into the Knight issue. Everything else I can't help you with at this point.

#14934 Soul Link Modif.. [Request]

Posted by schwierig on 12 September 2013 - 10:03 AM

The very easy ones:

[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]2.Alchemist - Acid Terror Damage + 100% (I guess you want to double the damage here)[/color]

[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]search (battle.c):[/color]

case AM_ACIDTERROR:    skillratio += 40 * skill_lv;    break;


replace with:

case AM_ACIDTERROR:    skillratio += 40 * skill_lv;    if (sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ALCHEMIST)	skillratio *= 2;    break;


[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]5.Crusader - Shield-Chain damage by 200% (I guess you want to tripple the damage?)[/color]

[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]search (battle.c):[/color]

case PA_SHIELDCHAIN:    skillratio += 30 * skill_lv;    break; 

[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]replace with:[/color]

case PA_SHIELDCHAIN:    skillratio += 30 * skill_lv;    if (sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_CRUSADER)	skillratio *= 3;    break;


[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]8.Rogue - You can use Single Strip through Full Chemical Protection by consumin Glistening Coat(Working only when the target has FCP or Full Chemical Protection), Increase Double Strafe damage by 150%[/color]

- Strip:


- DS

Not sure if this works (no time to try)

search (battle.c):

case AC_DOUBLE:case MA_DOUBLE:    skillratio += 10 * (skill_lv-1);    break; 

replace with:

case AC_DOUBLE:case MA_DOUBLE:    skillratio += 10 * (skill_lv-1);    if (sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ROGUE)	skillratio *= 1.5;    break;


[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]9.Hunter - It gives 15% Chance of auto casting Falcon Assault when attacking.[/color]

[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]search (skill.c):[/color]

				// Automatic trigger of Blitz Beat				if (pc_isfalcon(sd) && sd->status.weapon == W_BOW && (temp=pc->checkskill(sd,HT_BLITZBEAT))>0 &&					rnd()%1000 <= sstatus->luk*3 ) {					rate = sd->status.job_level / 10 + 1;					skill->castend_damage_id(src,bl,HT_BLITZBEAT,(temp<rate)?temp:rate,tick,SD_LEVEL);				}

place after that:

				if(pc_isfalcon(sd) && sd->status.weapon == W_BOW && sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_HUNTER) {					skill->castend_damage_id(src,bl,SN_FALCONASSAULT,temp,tick,0);				}


Looking up the other ones and will edit later I guess.