Does anyone know how to increase the maximum time in rentitem command? I put 90 days = 129,600 minutes, the emulator changed to 58,017 minutes.
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02 December 2014 - 05:18 AM
Does anyone know how to increase the maximum time in rentitem command? I put 90 days = 129,600 minutes, the emulator changed to 58,017 minutes.
02 December 2014 - 05:06 AM
Does anyone know how to increase the maximum time in rentitem command? I put 90 days = 129,600 minutes, the emulator changed to 58,017 minutes.
27 August 2014 - 02:03 PM
Bom dia,
Estou com um problema que não sei resolver, já tentei tudo, desde alterar o langtype até efetuar o diff milhares de vezes e o problema persiste.
Hexeds testados:
Se eu estiver com uma arma equipada consigo visualizar a descrição de helms, armaduras e etc, mas se eu tentar visualizar a descrição de outra arma o Hexed crasha, o mesmo ocorre com um helm ou armadura, se eu estiver com o item equipado e tentar visualizar um item que equipa no mesmo lugar o Hexed Crasha.
Alguém já passou por isso e sabe como resolver ?
13 February 2014 - 05:07 AM
I would like to take a doubt, I always compiled using ./configure --disable-64bit ... You currently recommend compiling in 64bits or 32bits like I'm doing?
What is the best and correct to compile the emulator on CentOS?
Thanks !