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Member Since 18 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2015 04:07 AM

Topics I've Started


14 October 2015 - 03:06 PM

Hello all,


I found out that the Bubble Gum script actually decreases the Hit points on using it. I believe it should not as it is the drop rate increase script which is implemented in that item. For reference code from mob.c is below :


			// Increase drop rate if user has SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM			if (sd && sd->sc.data[SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM]) // now rig the drop rate to never be over 90% unless it is originally >90%.				drop_rate = max(drop_rate,cap_value((int)(0.5+drop_rate*(sd->sc.data[SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM]->val1)/100.),0,9000)); 

Request for OpenShop SRC Diff

25 September 2015 - 01:32 PM

Hi all,

I know it is kind of stupid to ask but i request for a Diff for openshop and getiitemboud as I am using Herc r14389 .


I am in real need of it so please anyone who can help me out!

Percentage Refiner

13 September 2015 - 06:12 AM

Hello all,


I am in need of a refine which can be configured with a certain item and percentage. Like where you can set the required item id along with the percentage of refining chance it will increase. let say i set magic stone with 20% chance in increase of refining rate. something like that.


Please help me out :)

[REQ] New Donation System

05 September 2015 - 12:42 PM

Hello !!


thank you for clicking on the link and reading my request....



i request for an NPC which can actually fetch the credits data from the
flux cp and would be a shop which would sell items in exchange of the
credits in flux panel db.


I m requesting u because i m
getting too much of item duper complaints and i guess setting global
variables or using the predefined db like cp_credits would actually help
in secure way of dealing with items.



Hoping for a positive response :)




Base Drop Rate Tweek !

29 August 2015 - 02:16 PM

Hello everyone :)


I was changing drop rates for a
server today and found that there is no configuration for drop rates to
be double the base drop rate, for example the poring has got drop rate
for empty bottle as 15% and card as 0.01% , there is no configuration to
make the setting for all monsters goes like


poring : 15 => 30 % and card 0.01 to 0.02%

same goes for any other monster. no configs for exact double the drop percentage?


I  apolozise if I am lacking the information as i have been through the forum and didn't found anything useful.