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Member Since 26 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2013 05:59 PM

Topics I've Started

Making custom items, straight forward guide?

04 October 2013 - 05:32 AM

So I am having trouble navigating the guides for creating a custom item on the wikias.


They seem to not be straight forward, as in

They'll be explaining something...

then they'll explain ANOTHER way to do it,

which just creates a bunch of confusion.


Does anyone know a guide that just straights up goes from step to step finish? (Updated)


I'm on Renewal as well.



This guide's picture doesn't work, and I don't have a grf file by the looks of it.



Gaps of knowledge, and the order is quite confusing.

I mean let's say I was using pre-defined official game sprites. Do I actually have to go through allocating items on the client side?


Also what in the world could Xray be, I searched it but it has to do with clients and I am pretty clueless with those lol.


Thanks to anyone who can point me in a clearer direction :o

/ commands, and 4 slotting equipments?

29 September 2013 - 05:41 AM

Ok, so I know everything about the atcommands, but am not sure how to implement the / ones.


Everything I've searched usually has Atcommands as a reference. 

To be direct, I want players to use the /str command and so on. 


I'm not sure if it's just as simple as /str: true or a special function each unique server has.


My second question has to do with 4 slotting equipment.


I've spent the last hour manually doing EACH ITEM one by one. 

Yes I know, I go to item_db and change the 11th spot for equipment to 4. Doing that one by one is killer.




I tried his way but that creates errors in the item database because the expression he uses isn't exact enough and therefore changes THINGS that should not be changed, nor do I know how he came up with those expressions to search. (No experience).


I mainly just want to know if there's an easy way to the second question.

Where do I start? EDIT:(Authentication of account 1 refused)

26 September 2013 - 09:33 PM

I am dead-set on picking up this hobby and have chosen Hercules (Because everything about it sounds great)!

I want to make my own offline Ragnarok Private server for myself, and maybe online if I want a few friends to join me.


I've looked up several guides but most of them don't use Hercules, and I really don't have a single idea on how to incorporate it.

The main problem is, so far I am only certain that I know how to get Hercules onto my windows computer


But is Hercules all I need? Is there a COMPLETE list of every file I need to get started? Is there a guide using Hercules to set up a server?

I have searched and so far, It seems there are little gaps ranging from (what files do I need and what files they could be referring too.)




This is an update to the problem I am currently facing.


I am running on a Ultrabook Laptop, Windows 7 64 bit.


http://i.imgur.com/b0Awz2L.png (Screenshot of the issue)


Whenever I try to get to the character server my account is refused.

Any viable solutions?


Please do not post solutions that have to do with simple checks, if you read the rest of the topic, I have done it several times.