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Member Since 01 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 26 2017 09:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Recruiting GM and More!!

05 October 2013 - 12:37 AM

[font="georgia, serif;"]Hello!!![/font]


[font="georgia, serif;"]www.badass-ro.com [/font]is looking for a team! Think you could be apart of it and offer your skills?!


[font="georgia, serif;"]1 - Developer - Somebody who will setup the game,
database, website on the server i have bought, and atleast start testing
for any bugs before we make it live, Would help me in developing the
required changes in the game like creating of unique items, monsters,
and anything or everything that can be possibly done in the server,
ensuring that everything functions smoothly, If he/she cannot do it
himself can atleast get the necessary help to ensure that it gets done.[/font]


[font="georgia, serif;"]2 - GameMasters - Manage ingame stuff, events, concerns, bug reporting and everything else.[/font]



Please post your resume here, or on the forum for Bad Ass RO.

Feel free to also contact me via skype : Silenzikillz


[color=rgb(0,255,0);]NOTE:[/color] [color=rgb(0,0,255);]Not paid positions. So please don't ask about it. THANKS[/color]  :rolleyes: