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Member Since 12 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2016 04:02 PM

Topics I've Started

[Freebies]Loadings Screen

11 June 2016 - 10:41 PM

Hi there!

Well i found my first job for a server, a did it in 2012(long time ago jaja) and i want to share it with you, if you found it useful and you like it please feel free to use it.


Here are the jpg so you can see what is inside and if you want give them a qualification, please dont be cruel but please be honest!


All the text is Editable! you can add your own font types, and publicity and logos.(I work on Photoshop CS6)


The Rar file Include: 
9 Loading screens JPG and PSD



Hola a todos!


Bueno, encontre mi primer trabajo para un servidor, lo hice en el 2012(hace un buen tiempo) y quiero compartirlo con ustedes, si lo encuentran util y les gusta por favor siéntanse libres de usarlos.


Aqui estan los jpg para que puedan ver que esta dentro, y si quieren pueden darme una calificacion, por favor no sean crueles pero si honestos!


Todos los textos son editables! puedes agregar tus propias fuentes, publicidad y logos.(Yo trabajo en PhotoshopCS6)


El archivo rar cotiene:
9 Loading screens JPG y PSD


























NOTE: If you use some of them please, dont forget to say thanks and give me a credit somewhere.

NOTE: Si los utilizan, por favor no olviden decir gracias y  darme los créditos en algún lado.

553 Old Paletts-Updates

11 June 2016 - 02:36 AM

Hi there! Well hoping this help someone i update the Old pack palettes for(the grf only have this jobs palettes add it in your grf):


They look good but have some detail most in rebellion mount but if you dint care just try it, i cant fix it becuse of time, i try to update to the Jro 3rd jobs Costumes but dont is a mess with mounts and some jobs colors.
A summoner example:



NOTE: i test the Kamishi palettes and work perfect with all the jobs if you need an update you can pm.

Compile problem :C

23 February 2016 - 03:36 PM

Hi there n.n... well i have download the last hercules today to work on it... when i compile im having some problems.. and i dont know if is a problem of mine or what happen :c (by the way sorry for my english)... here the pics... thanks for reading n.n! i´ll be waiting your answer :D


Attached File  comilacion.PNG   13.63K   24 downloads


Attached File  compilacion2.PNG   21.66K   32 downloads


Attached File  compile.PNG   21.15K   34 downloads


Attached File  map.PNG   566.51K   28 downloads