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Member Since 18 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 10 2014 01:14 PM

Topics I've Started

where to put the parse line? ;

03 November 2014 - 07:45 AM

dont know where to put the parse line here

	View: 1	Script: <" if (getrefine()>5) bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,min(getrefine(),12)-5; ">

Attached File  Untitled.png   345.98K   11 downloads

Help po.!!! Ano po kayang problema dito?

31 October 2014 - 12:11 PM

tanung lng po... di ko kasi mapagana hercules server ko.


I followed all the steps carefully, but still no luck..



1. under MVS2010 got 2 failed,2 succeded. (attached below)

Attached File  failed.png   491.21K   13 downloads


2 Starting the server. (see attached photos)

Attached File  server failed.png   296.04K   13 downloads


Note: Im using Worckbench 5.2


salamat po

how to set that automatic dialog box appears on a specific time?

12 January 2014 - 02:45 AM

like for example:


while someone is talked to npc and attached to it,


then when she/he/character is away (in morroc)  to the npc (npc from prontera), then on specific time the npc will send/reminds the player to do something or to come back to the npc for some reason.

the message will be in a format of :


mes "example message";


mes "example message 2";

mes "example message 3";



^_^ Thanks

how to fix this lottery?

10 January 2014 - 01:22 PM

why is the winning ticket id


doesnt match to my own ticket .... despite that the winning number is the same with my own ticket number?



winning number : [2] [5]  Ticket ID 999999

my ticket: [2] [5] Ticket ID 444444


Suppose to be Win,, but when i claim the prize, invalid ticket number?


here is the script:


try this


//===== Hercules Script ======================================//= Lottery//===== By: ==================================================//= acky//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 1.2.1a//===== Description: =========================================//= Daily lottery draw//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= Numbers drawn daily (Time is configured line 29)//= *Added GM-Riggability//= *Ability to renew ticket//= *Improved interface//= *Fixed minor bug where first load didn't work.//= 1.2.1a fix due to new script engine//============================================================-	script	lotterygenerator1	-1,{OnInit:	set $L_TicketPrice1,5000; // TICKET COST	set $L_Prize_Money1,50000000; // JACKPOT AMOUNT	set $L_Prize_Money_Small,1000000; // SECONDARY PRIZE	if ($LID == 0) goto L_GenID1;	end;	//Modify for own timeOnClock0000:OnClock0100:OnClock0200:OnClock0300:OnClock0400:OnClock0500:OnClock0600:OnClock0700:OnClock0800:OnClock0900:OnClock1000:OnClock1100:OnClock1200:OnClock1300:OnClock1400:OnClock1500:OnClock1600:OnClock1700:OnClock1800:OnClock1900:OnClock2000:OnClock2100:OnClock2200:OnClock2300:	// CHECKS IF LOTTERY IS RIGGED	if ($L_Rigged1 == 1) goto L_Rigged_Draw1;	// GENERATES RANDOM NUMBERS 1-5Pick11:	set $LW7,rand (1,5);Pick21:	set $LW8,rand (1,5);	if ($LW8 == $LW1) goto Pick21;	// BROADCASTS DRAWL_Broadcast1:	announce "Lottery: Welcome to today's EZ2 lotto draw!",8;	announce "The numbers are as follows: [" + $LW7 + "] [" + $LW8 + "]",8;	announce "Congratulations to the winners of today's EZ2 lotto draw!",8;	// GENERATES DRAW ID CODEL_GenID1:	set $LID2,$LID;	// SETS TOMORROW'S ID NUMBER	set $LID,rand (1000000,9999999);	end;	// SETS DRAW TO RIGGED NUMBERSL_Rigged_Draw1:	set $LW7,$LR7;	set $LW8,$LR8;	set $L_Rigged1,0;	goto L_Broadcast1;}prontera,147,173,5	script	Lotto EZ2	1_F_ORIENT_02,{L_Begin1:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Winning Lotto Numbers ("+$LID2+"):";	mes "^0000FF[" + $LW7 + "] [" + $LW8 + "]^000000";	if ($LID > 1000000) mes "Your Ticket ("+#LID+"):";	if ($LID > 1000000) mes "^FF0000[" + #LW7 + "] [" + #LW8 + "]^000000";	mes "Next Draw-ID: ^FF0000" + $LID + "^000000.";	next;	if (getgmlevel() > 90) goto L_GM1;	menu "Claim Prize",L_Claim1,"Buy New Ticket",L_Buy1,"Cancel",L_Cancel1;// PURCHASE TICKETL_Buy1:	if (#LID == $LID && #L1 != 0) goto L_DoubleTicket1;	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Tickets cost ^0000FF" + $L_TicketPrice1 + "z^000000.";	mes "The Jackpot is ^FF0000" + $L_Prize_Money1 + "z^000000.";	next;	menu "Buy Ticket",-,"Cancel",L_Cancel1;	if (Zeny < $L_TicketPrice1) goto L_NoZeny1;	Zeny -= $L_TicketPrice1;	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Would you like your numbers hand picked or computer generated?";	next;	menu "Lucky Pick",L_ComputerGen1,"Hand Picked",L_HandPick1,"Renew Ticket",L_Renew1;// RENEW LAST TICKETL_Renew1:	if ($LID < 1000000) goto L_Invalid1;	set #LID,$LID;	goto L_Confirm21;L_ComputerGen1:// SELECTS RANDOM NUMBERS	set @L7,0;	set @L8,0;Pick11:	set @L7,rand (1,5);Pick21:	set @L8,rand (1,5);	if (@L8 == @L1) goto Pick21;	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "The computer has selected the following numbers:";	mes "^0000FF" + @L7 + " " + @L8 + "^000000";	next;	menu "Confirm",L_Confirm1,"Re-Generate",L_ComputerGen1;// HAND PICK LOTTERY NUMBERSL_HandPick1:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Please pick your numbers (1-5):";	set @L7,0;	set @L8,0;Input11:	input @L7;	if (@L7 < 1 || @L7 > 5) goto Input11;	mes @L7;Input21:	input @L8;	if (@L8 < 1 || @L8 > 5) goto Input21;	if (@L8 == @L7) goto Input21;	mes @L8;	next;	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Your numbers are:";	mes "^0000FF" + @L7 + " " + @L8 + "^000000";	next;	menu "Confirm",L_Confirm1,"Re-Pick",L_HandPick1;L_Confirm1:	set #LW7,@L7;	set #LW8,@L8;	set #LID,$LID;L_Confirm21:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "The live broadcasted draw is at every hour.";	mes "You can claim your ticket between then and the next draw.";	next;	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Good luck!";	close;L_Claim1:	// CHECKS TICKET VALIDILITY	if (#LID != $LID2) goto L_Invalid1;	// CHECKS HOW MANY NUMBERS MATCHED	set @LPrize,0;	if (#LW7 == $LW7) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1;	if (#LW7 == $LW8) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1;	if (#LW8 == $LW7) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1;	if (#LW8 == $LW8) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1;	if (@LPrize == 2) goto LWinBig1;// NO WINNER	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Bad luck, it appears you do not hold a winning ticket.";	next;	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Better luck next time!.";	close;// MATCHED ALL SIXLWinBig1:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "You have matched all two numbers!";	mes "Jackpot!";	mes "You've won ^0000FF" + $L_Prize_Money1 + "z^000000.";	Zeny += $L_Prize_Money1;	announce "Lottery: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has won the JACKPOT of " + $L_Prize_Money1 + "z!",8;	set #LID,0;	close;// NO ZENYL_NoZeny1:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "You can't afford a lottery ticket.";	close;// INVALID TICKETL_Invalid1:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "I'm sorry but it appears that you have an invalid ticket.";	close;// DOUBLE TICKETL_DoubleTicket1:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "It appears that you already have a ticket for today.";	mes "You may only purchase one ticket per draw.";	close;L_Cancel1:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Come back soon!";	close;// GM MENU (Lets you manually do draws)L_GM1:	menu "Claim Prize",L_Claim1,"Buy New Ticket",L_Buy1,"[GM]Do Draw Now",-,"[GM]Rig the Lottery",L_GM_Rig1,"Cancel",L_Cancel1;	// CHECKS IF LOTTERY IS RIGGED	if ($L_Rigged1 == 1) goto L_Rigged_Draw1;	// GENERATES RANDOM NUMBERS 1-5GMPick11:	set $LW7,rand (1,5);GMPick21:	set $LW8,rand (1,5);	if ($LW8 == $LW7) goto GMPick21;// BROADCASTS DRAWL_Broadcast1:	announce "Lottery: Welcome to the special GM's lotto draw!",8;	announce "The numbers are as follows: [" + $LW7 + "] [" + $LW8 + "]",8;	announce "Congratulations to the winners!",8;// GENERATES DRAW ID CODEL_GenID1:	set $LID2,$LID;	// SETS TOMORROW'S ID NUMBER	set $LID,rand (1000000,9999999);	close;// SETS DRAW TO RIGGED NUMBERSL_Rigged_Draw1:	set $LW7,$LR8;	set $LW8,$LR8;	set $L_Rigged1,0;	goto L_Broadcast1;// ALLOWS GM TO DO A RIGGED DRAWL_GM_Rig1:	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Please pick your numbers (1-5):";	set $LR7,0;	set $LR8,0;GMInput11:	input $LR7;	if ($LR7 < 1 || $LR8 > 5) goto GMInput11;	mes $LR7;GMInput21:	input $LR8;	if ($LR8 < 1 || $LR8 > 5) goto GMInput21;	if ($LR8 == $LR7) goto GMInput21;	mes $LR8;	next;	mes "[Lottery]";	mes "Lottery rigged for next draw.";	set $L_Rigged1,1;	close;}

how to set a random exp rates for every 3 hours?

07 January 2014 - 11:47 AM

every 3 hours of 24 hours the exp should be thrice or twice.