I have the same issue as this guy. Unfortunately, I cannot update to the latest revision. Critical animation does not show up but critical damage is increased. I'm on pre-renewal. 2013-08-07 client. I tried changing clients to 2015, 2012, and 2014. All have the same issue, so it has to be from my source. Packet version is correct. Critical animation display shows up on traps and players but not on monsters. Any ideas as to what is causing this? I read someone mention clif.c and mob.c but what exactly has to do with critical animation in those files?
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In Topic: Critical Display
13 December 2015 - 03:43 AM
In Topic: Maximum Experience Value
04 December 2015 - 10:11 AM
It's possible.. See pc.c pc_gainexp function to know which all variables needs to be changed..
But you also need to introduce an hack with client, because client only accepts till 4bil, so you can add a hack to adjust exp accordingly for client to display proper bar.
I'm sorry but I can't make any sense of what to change in pc_gainexp. Could you go into more detail please? =X
I should actually probably be asking how to get my max exp requirement up from 2.1bilion to 4bil. I seem to be stuck at 2.1.
In Topic: Starting Job
04 December 2015 - 10:03 AM
That worked perfectly. Thank you both. ^^
In Topic: Starting Job
04 December 2015 - 08:26 AM
Is there a way to change the starting job from Novice to High Novice?
you can try this, test it first, i didn't test it
- script Sample Name FAKE_NPC,{OnPCLoginEvent: if ( (Class == Job_Novice) && ( BaseLevel == 1 && JobLevel == 1) ) { jobchange 4001; end; }end;}Thank you for the script, it works fine. I knew that this was possible via script but I recall running into a file that allowed a server to decide what the character started with and what class they started as. Do you happen to know where it is?
hmm you want them to choose what ever job they want?
its like Auto Job Changer in their 1st Login?
Nah, I just want them to start as High Novice from character creation, instead of starting as novice and then having to login and seeing the job change effect in order to be High Novice.
In Topic: Starting Job
04 December 2015 - 05:17 AM
Is there a way to change the starting job from Novice to High Novice?
you can try this, test it first, i didn't test it
- script Sample Name FAKE_NPC,{OnPCLoginEvent: if ( (Class == Job_Novice) && ( BaseLevel == 1 && JobLevel == 1) ) { jobchange 4001; end; }end;}
Thank you for the script, it works fine. I knew that this was possible via script but I recall running into a file that allowed a server to decide what the character started with and what class they started as. Do you happen to know where it is?
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