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Member Since 07 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2015 06:09 PM

Issues I've Posted

    No way to reobtain MO_KITRANSLATION and MO_BALKYOUNG after rebirth

    Posted 29 May 2015

    MONK_SK = 7 (monk_skills.txt) leads to useless dialogue. Skills can't be reobtained after rebirth. No idea how it works officially but this can't be right ;).

    Ensemble skills don't stop walking partner.

    Posted 4 May 2015

    If the partner B is walking past the activating character A the current walk command will not be interrupted. This means that it is possible for the partner B to not be next to the activating partner A when the ensemble is activated (without using longing for freedom). It's also possible for the partner B to walk outside song range and make the ensemble stop. I fixed it by calling unit->stop_walking(...,1) at an appropriate point but there might be a better, more insightful solution.

    2014-02-05 if this has anything to do with client / packet. (Maybe this was done clientsdie before? I doubt it though.)

    Asura Strike should be castable when unable to move

    Posted 26 Apr 2015

    Tested on Aegis ep 11 with Spiderweb and Ankle Snare. Has been like this since 2006. Skill should just move the caster as if he wasn't snared but is still unable to move afterwards.

    HP meter (e.g. party) not displayed after player hides

    Posted 13 Apr 2015

    I'm using 2014-02-05. When a party member goes into chasewalk, hide, cloak etc. the hp meter disappears until he leaves hiding or reenters screen. Resending hp meter after sending packet shows hp meter again. Don't know if other options or scenarios are affected too.

    Enable nopenalty mapflag on castle maps by default

    Posted 17 Mar 2015

    Why is this not the case?