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Member Since 15 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2016 10:33 AM

Topics I've Started

DC character vending @autotrade

18 March 2015 - 11:50 AM

he sir, please help me...


why after player vending and using @autotrade, char automaticly disconnect from server?


maybe cause in misc.conf


// Set this to the amount of minutes autotrade chars will be kicked from the server.
at_timeout: 0  ??


how to make it unlimited? without DC :), please help me :)

Help my script please ^^

14 February 2015 - 10:24 AM

Hi, i tried to make script premium service with change group_id, its work, but there something problem....


it doesnt work when the time is up. its my script :)


prontera,166,181,3	script	Premium Service	54,{	// Configs	set .itemIDP, 7280; // Set this number to the VIP ticket	set $VIP_Cooldown,60; // 60 sec Duration for test		// Don't edit this config @last - @seconds	set .@last,#VIP_Lasttime + $VIP_Cooldown - gettimetick(2);	set .@days,.@last / 60 / 60 / 24;	set .@hours,.@last / 60 / 60 % 60;	set .@minutes,.@last / 60 % 60;	set .@seconds,.@last % 60;		// Premium Service Duration	if(#VIPSERVICE == 1 && #VIP_Lasttime + $VIP_Cooldown > gettimetick(2) && #VIP_Lasttime < gettimetick(2) && getgroupid() == 1) {		mes "[Premium Service]";		mes "You have: ";		mes ""+.@days+" days "+.@hours+" hours "+.@minutes+" minutes "+.@seconds+" seconds";		mes "in your Premium Service remaining.";		close;		}			// Mainly Script Premium Service		mes "[Premium Service]";	mes "Hello!";	mes "Would you like to redeem your Premium Service ticket?";	switch(select("Yes!:No.")) {	case 1:		if (countitem(.itemIDP) > 0 && getgroupid() == 0 ) {		delitem .itemIDP,1;		set #VIPSERVICE,1;		set #VIP_Lasttime,gettimetick(2);				mes "Congrats, you now have Premium Member!";		query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = 1 WHERE `group_id` = 0 AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3);		dispbottom "You must relog for it to take effect.";		next;		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+"";		close;		}		else if (countitem(.itemIDP) == 0) {		next;		mes "[Premium Service]";			mes "You do not have a Premium Service ticket!";		mes "Come back when you get one.";		close;		}		else {		next;		mes "[Premium Service]";				mes "Only player can using Premium Service";		close;		}	case 2:		next;		mes "[Premium Service]";			mes "Very well, I shall be here if you change your mind.";		close;	}OnPCLoginEvent:	if(#VIPSERVICE == 1 && #VIP_Lasttime + $VIP_Cooldown - gettimetick(2) == 0 && getgroupid() == 1) { //Problem	mes "[Premium Service]";	mes "You're premium service duration has gone.";	mes "Please relog again.";	mes "To take effect.";	next;	query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = 0 WHERE `group_id` = 1 AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3);	set #VIPSERVICE,0;	set #VIP_Lasttime,0;		atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+"";	close;	}}


  i already underline the problem,i think its the problem why not trigger my script, i dunnow must put that... please help me :)


Premium User with group_id 1

13 February 2015 - 02:46 PM

Hi, it's possible if i want to make script, if input the player item to the NPC, group_id player change to 1, and back after 1 month?

i think its possible if using "query_sql" in the script,

but i dont know, when the time is up, group_id player back to 0, maybe someone can teach me? please :')


Thanks Before~,

20141022bRagexe Problem?

10 February 2015 - 10:35 AM

There something problem with this client in hercu? why every i feed my pet, the client always crash without error from server, dunnow what happen, maybe someone of you can give me solution? please... thank you~

@afk error compile

09 February 2015 - 03:50 PM

i use afk plugin v4.0 by mhalicot, but there something problem with named, in last rev of hercu

