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Member Since 16 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2014 07:30 AM

Issues I've Posted

    Magic Mirror

    Posted 15 Jun 2014

    Spell Magic Mirror from Incarnation of Morroc(Valkyria) doesn't work when player have devotion from paladin.

    quote from my forum: http://elariaro.eu/_...php?topic=475.0

    some AoE works through walls

    Posted 26 May 2014

    We tested some AoE
    and some of them work through walls
    Brandish and magnum break.
    pretty sure they aren't suposed to work.

    We tested storm gust and it didnt work so the mage skills are fine.

    Small error in status changes from items

    Posted 26 May 2014


    I was wrong on that part. If you use an item like Ice Cream, you CAN
    resist the status change. The defense will be calculated with "self" as
    source in this case. I'd fix it myself but I don't know in which class
    the item scripts are handled.

    How to test: On officials, if you have a Marc Card equipped, you will
    never be frozen from eating Ice Creams. This is currently not working


    Also, right now we use a strange workaround to determine the chance:

    536,Ice_Cream,Ice Cream,0,150,,80,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ itemheal
    rand(105,145),0; if(rand(1000)<250) sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0;

    Anybody knows how sc_start works here? LemonGrass told me it can never
    be reduced, but is that true? You seem to be freeze immune if you are
    undead, but marc card doesn't seem to work...

    On officials it's more like:

    "Condition BODYFreezing 10 25"

    Which means "25% chance to freeze for 10 seconds" and that is reduced
    just like any other freeze. For example a player with high MDEF might
    only freeze every 8th time.

    I'm also a little confused by other bonuses where the second number is
    300, 600 or 1000. That would indicate that it's actually 1000=100%. But
    if you test on iRO, Ice Cream's base chance really seems to be 25% and
    not 2.5%. Strange.

    quote: http://rathena.org/b...ges-from-items/

    Wind Walk and Magnificat effect goes off when logging out

    Posted 13 May 2014

    It seems when logging out, Wind Walk and Magnificat skill effects
    disappears. It seems to be a Hercules thing, but I'm not sure if it's a
    recent official change, and why those 2 specific skills disappear while
    most other skills stay.