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Member Since 17 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active May 31 2017 09:23 PM

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In Topic: [Guide] How to add Custom Jobs

26 November 2015 - 07:16 PM

You might have some big value for MAPID_SHINOBI

I just realize now that I end in Hercules. This problem is in my Rathena emulator. I don't want a complete class, I just need the job to use as costumes with sc_start ou changebase. There are something that I can do? Since it's just for costume I can skip that step?

Where I can find the luafiles? PCID.lua??.

@edit again : forget, I found.. 

@edit again : forget, didn't work.

hexed info : Hexed 2014-10-22b


Posted Image

In Topic: [Guide] How to add Custom Jobs

26 November 2015 - 05:36 PM


1<<31 (i.e 2147483648, which is limit of int, in which we store the jobmask)

1<<32 and 1<<33 are greater than 2.147 bil, thus it gets too big to be used,

For allowing more id, change the variable datatype: as Neo Said


About Case 17:

maybe MAPID_AKATSUKI and MAPID_ANBU have values 17, that's why, change to 18/19

Same problem, different reason :


In Topic: Texture models

29 March 2015 - 01:09 PM

Maybe the texture that model is using is messed up or missing?


Sorry for desapearing. I souve the problem and forgotten that I had created a topic here. At first I apologyze for my bad english, verb is a problem. I'm not sure about what was the problem, but if anyone have any similar problem I think it was related about atach or detach the model.I'm not sure, but as long as I remember there was everything alright with the textures. My suggest, and something that usually help me, is attach all the materials into one . If after solved the topics are closed than it can be done know.


If everything was okay then the wall would look fine :) btw I still remember that 1 star rating as also, how you used maps of me for your "project". Hope someone else can help you, but not me.

I appreciate if you don't asnwer my topics if you have nothing to increase. Isn't my fault if you do not follow who buy and resell your maps, like I already send to you, I bought when I didn't know who created the map. I offered you a payment if I use them and you said you didn't want anything from me and stop answering. So my mind is clean. I suggest you to, in the part of the texture that are not used, write a number and create a txt file that you write who bough the file with that texture's number. So if someone start to sell them at least you know who are.