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Member Since 20 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2016 12:45 PM

Issues I've Posted

    Creamy Card missing from Old Card Album

    Posted 26 Aug 2014

    It seems that, for a while (4+ years), Creamy Card has been removed from Old Card Album. Not sure if this is a bug or is an official change in this case. I saw it was removed from the Valkyrie server's OCA and drop list, but only because it was a F2P version of the official one with some other altered features...

    Script Typos

    Posted 9 Jul 2014

    Location: npc/quests/quests_prontera.txt
    Line: 3393
    mes "[Assassin Guildsman";
    Issue: Missing the right square bracket after "Guildsman"

    Location: npc/quests/quests_umbala.txt
    Issue: For Umbala's Ore Downgrading quest, sometimes "[Putsuchiritan]" is used, other times "[Puchuchartan]" is used, and sometimes a combination of both is used at once. I assume the 2nd version is the correct one, but I can't be sure.

    There might be more, but these are the ones I remember from the top of my head.

    They most likely occur for eAthena & rAthena as well.


    Status effect chance lower than how it should be

    Posted 25 Jun 2014


    It seems that the chance for a status effect to occur on a mob through status cards (Flame Skull, Skeleton Prisoner, etc. - so basically "bAddEffWhenHit") is lower than what it should be, and it started occuring ever since I've started using this emulator (Hercules). It occurs for pre-renewal. I'm not sure if it would occur for renewal, or how it would work for renewal since I don't play renewal servers.

    I assume something was changed with this, so I'm not sure if it's an official change or not, but I kinda don't think so.

    I've tested using Flame Skull and Pest on a variety of mobs, and most of the time, it takes forever for anything to occur, especially compared to how it used to be.

    For Flame Skull, it should be a 5% chance for the enemy to be Stun, Stone Curse, Blind or Curse, and multiple status effects could activate at the same time (so you could say it's around 20% chance for at least 1 status effect to occur), but most of the time, it takes 20~60 hits for one effect to occur. Sometimes nothing occurs at all.

    I've tested Pest with 77 base INT, so that's a 9% chance to Stone Curse. Most of the time, it takes 30+ hits for any mob to be Stone Cursed.

    I also tested Lich's Bone Wand's Wide Curse chance, and the chance seems to work as intended (it uses "bAutoSpellWhenHit").

    On the first Hercules server I've played, I noticed mobs were receiving status effects less often, so I thought maybe I was unlucky, but after it's been happening for a while, I know it's not the case anymore.

    Here's a couple of videos I've created to demonstrate:

    First recorded attempt, Flame Skull Card (5% each status, 20% avg for any), only Stun happened once, nothing else.

    2nd recorded attempt, Flame Skull Card (5% each status, 20% avg for any), lucky SC in the first hit, a 2nd SC eventually, and I think later on, a mob got Blinded. Nothing else.

    3rd recorded attempt, Pest Card with 77+ base INT (9% SC chance), this has to be the luckiest, but the odds were still low...

    4th recorded attempt, Pest Card with 77+ base INT (9% SC chance), only 3 SC before I died

    5th recorded attempt, Skeleton Card + Skeleton Prisoner Card combo (9% sleep chance), not sure...

    6th recorded attempt, Garm Card (50% freeze chance), it's hard to say with this one...felt almost normal, but at the same time, not often did they freeze in 1 hit (supposed to be around 50% chance for that to happen). Most of the time, it took 2~3 hits for the mob to freeze. It feels like the higher the status chance, the higher chance it can occur at what it should normally be at.

    7th recorded attempt, started with Flame Skull, tried different stuff after, I'm not sure what to say about this one...just...nothing works, except Garm's Freezing apparently, Sasquatch didn't freeze it once. No blind occured. This is also what led me to believe certain mobs are more immune possibly due to their stats, but I'm not sure what kind of stats would possible give that much reduction...Just feels like some kind of bug.

    8th recorded attempt, started with Flame Skull, but apparently that didn't want to work, so I added Skeleton + Skeleton Prisoner, and that helped a bit, but still very "unlucky".

    Based on everything so far, I can only think that the chance may be reduced due to certain mob stats or something, to the point it doesn't activate at all for certain mobs. I know originally, the status chance COULD be lower on certain mobs like Mimic, but it would still activate often enough on them. Now it's like it's badly reduced for almost every mob.

    If this could be looked into, that'd be great. Thanks!

    If this is working as intended, could I see when it was implemented? Sorry also for all the videos, tried to be as informative as possible.

    Can't move during certain combos

    Posted 25 Jun 2014


    A few months ago, I reported the bug from the following topic, which got fixed (thanks for the fix also): http://herc.ws/board...-in-combo-time/

    However, I'm not sure if this is working as intended, but you can't move at all while a combo is active. You either need to either finish the combo or wait for the combo time to run out before you're able to move again. It's mainly an issue when you're a linked Hunter using Double Strafe or a TaeKwon Ranker.

    So for example, if you're a linked Hunter/Sniper and you use Double Strafe, you'll be unable to move for a whole 2 seconds (the same time duration allowed to use Beast Strafing after using Double Strafe), unless you use Beast Strafing first then you'll be able to move right after. For TaeKwon Rankers, you're unable to move for about 0.5~1.5 sec after killing an enemy with kicks, which is a bit strange. (the time you're unable to move depends on certain things, like how you kill the enemy, how you started attacking it, etc. - I'm not 100% sure yet on how it works completely)

    If this could be looked into, and it's not working as intended, that'd be great. No rush for this though.

    Taekwon Stance & item/skill use bug (cannot use skill in combo time)

    Posted 22 Feb 2014


    This is a bug that's been happening for a while now that occurs for both TaeKwon and TaeKwon rankers, and it occurs for both Hercules and rAthena (both with pre-renewal settings).

    When you're attacking a monster and a kick stance (Axe, Counter, Round or Whirlwind Kick stance) gets activated, and you try to use a Fly Wing or Butterfly Wing right after, it won't work for a whole 1.5 second. Not only that, but the item gets used up as well.

    It also occurs when Break Fall gets activated on its own (This also happens for Soul Linker and Star Gladiators).

    If you're a TaeKwon Ranker, it will also occur after activating a kick (except Flying Kick), since I guess technically after a kick, another stance is activated, so it's waiting for your input to use another kick.

    It's like during those stances, you're forced into a certain mode where you're limited in what you can do, and that can cause many problems.

    Hopefully this made sense.


    Videos of different scenarios where it can happen (check how the fly wings gets used up when I try to use them in different scenarios):

    Kick stance: youtube.com/watch?v=Uu4Q5cELYxQ

    Breakfall stance: youtube.com/watch?v=7NuvDRk6uy4

    TK ranker kicks: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqlb6TusBJI

    Edit 2:
    I just now realised there was a similar topic here, though no one answered/confirmed:

    Edit 3:
    It seems when the stance occurs (and you're prevented from using Fly/bwings), you're also prevented from using most of your TK skills, like High Jump, Warm Wind, Running, TK Mission skill, etc. (all except Flying Kick), at least until the "1.5 sec" cooldown goes away from the stance. It probably prevents most other skills too (Teleport from Creamy Card, Heal from Vitata Card, etc.). Back when it was working properly, I was able to use other skills while the stance was up, as well as my Fly Wings/Butterfly Wings properly.

    After further testing, I realized Fly Wing/Butterfly Wing ultimately uses a skill (Teleport) for them to work, so I guess the main issue to fix is not being able to use skills (except Flying Kick) during TK's kick/breakfall stances when they're triggered.

    Edit 4:
    After even further testing, it seems the bug (where you can't use skills and Fly Wing/Bwing gets used up but does nothing) seems to actually occur during the timer of any skill that allows a certain time for another dependant skill to be activated (e.g. 1 of 4's TK kick stance --> TK kick, Breakfall --> Flying Side Kick (added damage, also requires no aiming, just hit the skill), Double Strafing --> Beast Strafing (but only occurs if you're soul linked), Triple Attack --> Chain Combo (and so on for Monk combos), etc.). It seems during that timer, something is preventing other skills from being used, while also making itemskill (skill from items) not work, but still consuming them. Hopefully this all made sense. It is perhaps related to SC_COMBOATTACK. Interestingly, you're also unable to move during the timer. Maybe in status_change_start in status.c...

    (Try soul linking a Hunter class, then using Double Strafe on a beast/insect mob and then try using Fly Wings right after. It won't work for 2 seconds (the same time that you're allowed to use Beast Strafing) and will still consume them, and other skills (including another successive Double Strafe) won't work until that timer is done.)