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Member Since 13 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2017 10:21 PM

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In Topic: @arealoot

12 June 2016 - 02:14 PM

Updated the File to work with last hercules.

Not working on latest hercules. Kindly update.

Many thanks



Its working fine. Sorry.

In Topic: 2013-08-07aRagexe Failed to connect to server

12 June 2016 - 06:25 AM

Try changing the ip of char_ip (char-server.conf) to

as well as the map_ip (map-server.conf)

In Topic: raPalooza's Cursor

06 June 2016 - 02:04 AM



Nice work :D but i think theres a problem on its sprite when attacking mobs becuase when i point the cursor into the mob the client suddenly crashes.

i can't produce what u did you say, everything it's okay on client 20150311


What client do you use?


Im using 2013-12-23cRagexe

have the same problem, and i am using 2013-08-07aRagexe.exe 

have the same problem. when you point the cursor for about 2secs at the monster, the client will crash.

client: 2010-07-30 / 2012-04-10 / 2013-12-23

In Topic: Custom Craftsman

26 May 2016 - 01:51 PM

Well not at home right now and I don't have your items so it's a bit hard to test, but this should more or less do the job. You also should be able to factorise it a bit (especially the forge part).

prontera,156,326,4	script	Craftsman::alacra	1_M_SMITH,{	set .@npcname$, "[Craftsman]";	mes .@npcname$;	mes "What can I do for you, young adventurer?";	if (select("Insert an Power Item","Power items?") == 1)	{		next;		mes .@npcname$;		mes "Sure.";		mes "Which kind of item do you wanna insert a gim in?";		set .@[member="choice"], select("An armor","A footgear","A shield","A garment") - 1;		next;		mes .@npcname$;		switch(.@[member="choice"])		{			case 0:				//armor				copyarray .@itemId[0], $quintsId[0], getarraysize($quintsId);				if(getequipid(EQI_ARMOR) == -1)				{					mes "Sorry, but you need an equiped armor for me to empower it.";					close;				}				break;			case 1:				//footgear				copyarray .@itemId[0], $glyphsId[0], getarraysize($glyphsId);				if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) == -1)				{					mes "Sorry, but you need an equiped footgear for me to empower it.";					close;				}				break;			case 2:				//shield				copyarray .@itemId[0], $sealsId[0], getarraysize($sealsId);				if(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) == -1 || getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_L) != 0)				{					mes "Sorry, but you need an equiped armor for me to empower it.";					close;				}				break;			case 3:				//garment				copyarray .@itemId[0], $marksId[0], getarraysize($marksId);				if(getequipid(EQI_GARMENT) == -1)				{					mes "Sorry, but you need an equiped garment for me to empower it.";					close;				}				break;		}		mes "Allright. So which item do you want to insert?";				set .@menu$, "";		for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@itemId); set .@i,.@i+1)		{			set .@menu$, .@menu$ + getitemname(.@itemId[.@i]);					}		set .@itemChoice, select(.@menu$) - 1;				next;		mes .@npcname$;		mes "So, you wanna add a " + getitemname(.@itemId[.@itemChoice]) + ", on your  right?";		if(select("Yes","No") == 1)		{			if(countitem(.@itemId[.@itemChoice]) == 0)			{				next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Sorry but...You don't have this item. I need at least to be able to work.";				close;							}		}		else		{			next;			mes .@npcname$;			mes "Oh...Thought so...";			close;		}			//update		switch(.@[member="choice"])		{			case 0:				//armor				//retrieve compounded cards and refine				set .@cardId1, getequipcardid(EQI_ARMOR,0);				set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR);								next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Perfect. Wait a second.";				getitem2 getequipid(EQI_ARMOR), 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@cardId1, .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 0, 0;				delitem .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 1;				break;			case 1:				//footgear				//retrieve compounded cards and refine				set .@cardId1, getequipcardid(EQI_SHOES,0);				set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES);								next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Perfect. Wait a second.";				getitem2 getequipid(EQI_SHOES), 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@cardId1, .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 0, 0;				delitem .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 1;				break;			case 2:				//shield				//retrieve compounded cards and refine				set .@cardId1, getequipcardid(EQI_HAND_R,0);				set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R);								next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Perfect. Wait a second.";				getitem2 getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@cardId1, .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 0, 0;				delitem .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 1;				break;			case 3:				//garment				//retrieve compounded cards and refine				set .@cardId1, getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,0);				set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT);								next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Perfect. Wait a second.";				getitem2 getequipid(EQI_GARMENT), 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@cardId1, .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 0, 0;				delitem .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 1;				break;		}				next;		mes .@npcname$;		mes "Here you go.";		mes "Hope to see you soon again.";	}	else	{		next;		mes .@npcname$;		mes "I can carve some items which will grant you new powers directly into your armor pieces.";		mes "I can add a Quint into an Armor.";		mes "A Glyph into footgears.";		mes "A Seal into a shield.";		mes "Or a Mark into a garment.";		mes "Just talk to me with the correct Power Item in your inventory, and the item you wanna to engrave equiped.";	}	close;	OnInit:	setarray $quintsId[0],28060,28061,28062,28063,28064,28065,28066,28067,28068,28069;	setarray $glyphsId[0],28050,28051,28052,28053,28054,28055,28056,28057,28058,28059;	setarray $sealsId[0],28040,28041,28042,28043,28044,28045,28046,28047,28048,28049;	setarray $marksId[0],28030,28031,28032,28033,28034,28035,28036,28037,28038,28039;	end;}


Second Edit: I've completed it just before refreshing and see you've changed the request...Thought you can probably update it by yourself now, to fit the new changes. If not, just tell me.

Could you send it thru pastebin? I cant copy it from here. Thanks

In Topic: Custom Craftsman

26 May 2016 - 09:16 AM
