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Member Since 13 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2017 05:06 AM

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In Topic: Req> NPC Gatcha

27 January 2014 - 03:15 AM

Here, give this a try:


prontera,147,174,5	script	Odd Fellow::randomstuff	1_M_WIZARD,{	/*-----------------------------------------------------	Script	-----------------------------------------------------*/	mes .npc_name$;	mes "Hello there! For "+ .coin_amount +" "+ getitemname(.coin_id) +", I'll give you a random item!";	next;		mes .npc_name$;	if (countitem(.coin_id) < .coin_amount) {		mes "Come back when you have "+ .coin_amount +" "+ getitemname(.coin_id) +"!";		close;	}	mes "Would you like to give it a try?";	next;		if (select("Sure, why not!:No, thanks") == 2) {		mes .npc_name$;		mes "Okay, come back if you change your mind!";		close;	}		do {		.@prize_id = rand(.prize_min_id, .prize_max_id);	} while (getitemname(.@prize_id) == "null");		mes .npc_name$;	mes "Here you go! You got "+ .prize_amount +" "+ getitemname(.@prize_id) +"!";			delitem .coin_id, .coin_amount;	getitem .@prize_id, .prize_amount;	close;			/*-----------------------------------------------------	Configuration	-----------------------------------------------------*/	OnInit:		.npc_name$ = "[Odd Fellow]";		.coin_id = Poring_Coin;	// Coin ID		.coin_amount = 1;		// Count amount required		.prize_min_id = 501;	// Prize minimum ID		.prize_max_id = 30000;	// Prize maximum ID		.prize_amount = 1;		// Prize amount rewarded		end;}


Work Perfectly so how to set the custom prize?

in here have min and max

so ho how to change this prize apple chance 10%?

thanks master

In Topic: Req> NPC Gatcha

26 January 2014 - 04:32 PM


prontera,150,150,0	script	Sample	100,{	if ( !countitem( 7539 ) ) {		mes "You need 1 " +getitemname( 7539 )+ " in order to talk to me";		close;	}	if ( select( "Here have my " +getitemname( 7539 )+ ":Nevermind" ) - 1 ) close;	.@r = rand(501, 700);	if ( getitemname( .@r ) != "null" ) {		delitem 7539, 1;		getitem .@r, 1;	}	close;}


Might be a good idea to enclose that set for .@r in a do..while loop; if the item name does end up being "null", the user's item is taken and doesn't get anything lol.



do {	.@r = rand(501, 700);} while (getitemname(.@r) != "null");


how about the chance?

rare item 5% like that?



not work perfectly

In Topic: Reward for the highest online time player

16 January 2014 - 07:35 AM

yeah same with me i need the script :o